Creatine not only improves physical performance but also reduces mental fatigue and improves mental performance. Creatine helps make more "fuel" available to the muscle in the form of ATP. This extra fuel ensures that the muscle works faster and longer and recovers faster after intense exercise or sustained physical activity. This also means that there is less muscle soreness and enhanced endurance. Numerous studies support the use of creatine for increasing endurance, building muscle mass and improving athletic performance. Creatine is, however, more than just an ergogenic nutrient: It has a voluminizing effect on the muscle. Cell voluminizing, or cellular hydration, involves binding of water to the muscle fiber. In turn, this binding gives rise to the "pumped" look. Since water is bound inside the muscle, the athletes using creatine do not have the "puffy" appearance. In other words, the muscle looks larger but more importantly, has improved strength and has high energy and intensity. That allows the athlete to recover faster and have more energy for each training session.
   The major challenge for athletes and physical fitness buffs is to keep the muscles and brain energized. This is especially the case for endurance athletes who also need to recover their muscle power quickly after an intense workout and exercise. Muscle contraction and relaxation are driven by energy in the cells provided by the compound adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Muscles have only a limited supply of ATP, however. The ATP levels are rapidly used up during exercise, particularly in short, intense bursts of anaerobic activity. Many an athletes needs immediate replenishment of energy in the muscle during demanding regimens, such as sprinting and weightlifting. In these situations, the body produces ATP: The energy currency in the cells, which powers muscle movement and control. How much and how efficiently is ATP produced depends upon the amounts of creatine phosphate stored in the cell. Creatine is the biomolecule, which produces ATP. Creatine is indigenous to the human body, and is produced by the liver and stored in the brain, skeletal and heart muscles where it serves as a ready pool to produce ATP. Creatine is the key substance that helps speed up the ATP refueling of the muscle. More creatine in the muscle means greater energy production that allows muscle to work longer and at higher intensity. How does creatine help the muscle perform at higher efficiency and recover faster? Creatine saturates the muscle to convert it into ATP. This conversion takes place in the absence of oxygen and is, therefore, used as an anaerobic pathway for energy. Creatine is, however, more than just an ergogenic nutrient: It has a voluminizing effect on the muscle. Cell voluminizing, or cellular hydration, involves binding of water to the muscle fiber. In turn, this binding gives rise to the "pumped" look. Since water is bound inside the muscle, the athletes using creatine do not have the "puffy" appearance. In other words, the muscle looks larger but, more importantly, has improved strength and has high energy and intensity. That allows the athlete to recover faster and have more energy for each training session.
Selected References
Feldman, E., "Creatine: A Dietary Supplement and Ergogenic Aid," Nutr. Rev: 57, 45, 1999

Toler, S., "Creatine is an Ergogen for Anaerobic Exercise," Nutr. Rev., 55, 21, 1997

Willima, M. and Branch, J., "Creatine Supplementation and Exercise

Frequently Asked Questions 
1. What is Creatine Monohydrate Dosage?

Creatine is taken in two phases. The first phase is the so-called "loading phase when creatine is used to load the body. Depending on the individual, it could vary between one and five days with approximately five grams of creatine is taken three to four times a day. In the "maintenance" phase following the "loading" phase, creatine levels are maintained by a dose of five to 15 grams per day in divided dosages of five gram at one sitting for up to three months.
2. Who Uses Creatine Monohydrate?

According to reports professional athletes and Olympians use creatine monhydrate to enhance their performance. Creatine is taken most commonly ingested by weightlifters and bodybuilders. Since muscle strength and endurance increases all athletic performance, athletes of all stripes benefit from creatine supplementation, including runners, swimmers, cyclists, skiers, martial artists, wrestlers, football and rugby players and tennis and basketball players.
3. Is Creatine Found in Foods?

To varying degrees creatine is found in many foods. The richest source of creatine is lean red meat and fish. A 2.2-pound steak contains roughly six grams of creatine. It should be pointed out that eating large amounts of red meat might be unhealthy
4. Is There Creatine Balance in the Muscle?

Yes, the muscle has creatine equilibrium. Creatine has a normal turnover rate of


  Ultimate Nutrition Muscle Juice Revolution 2600 is the ULTIMATE weight gainer on the market. It features 56 grams of protein in the exclusive Octo-PRO™ Protein blend that combines 8 key proteins. It contains 170 grams of time release carbohydrates to aid in carbohydrate digestion time to minimize bloating. In addition to the precursors to glutamine present in this protein, you get 1000 mg of glutamine per serving which includes the breakthrough L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine. This powerful dipeptide may protect against muscle degradation and provides fuel for exercise to help you go the distance. When you take 2 servings a day, as directed, with milk, you will receive 2600 more calories and 148 more grams of protein to help you exceed your weight gaining goals.
  A protein blend consisting of multiple sources of protein is superior to any single-protein source for sustained time-release nutritional support. Whey proteins such as hydrolysate, isolate and concentrate give your body a surge of amino acids immediately after you consume them. These proteins are great for lean muscle growth.    Then the mid-release proteins take over. Egg protein is considered the most perfect source of protein because it is complete in essential amino acids, branch chain amino acids and glutamic acid. It is completely and easily absorbed by the body. 
  Protein such as micellar casein, calcium caseinate and milk protein concentrate take much longer to digest and can be considered the extended release proteins, giving the body more time to fully digest and absorb their nutrients. This new formula also offers an exciting new addition to the carbs world; Karbo-lyn®. This product was invented for the sole purpose of carbohydrate loading. It was designed for elite athletes looking for a fast, easy, and high performance way to load the muscle with accessible muscle glycogen. This high-tech carbohydrate passes through the stomach very quickly; 80% faster than dextrose or sugar, acting like a pump and pulling water and nutrients along with it.  
  Not all fats are created equal. Muscle Juice Revolution 2600 has a Health Fatty Acid Blend with the healthiest of all commonly-used oils. They are low in saturated fat, high in cholesterol-lowering monounsaturated fat and among the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids and energy. MCT's mimic carbohydrates in energy, but unlike carbohydrates they do not typically get stored as fat. Glutamine is the ultimate anti-catabolic preventing muscle wasting which lessens the degree of muscle damage and soreness. It helps the body to secrete its own growth hormone which trigger's the release of IGF-1 (Insulin Growth Factor 1). This hormone helps promote weight loss, increase lean body mass, and increase bone density. Glutamine also neutralizes lactic acid burn in your muscles by releasing Plasma Bicarbonate allowing you to work out longer and stronger. 
 Ultimate nutrition Muscle Juice 2600 increases your Nitrogen balance to help you stay in a positive balance for optimal muscle growth. A more complete source of protein means you’ll enjoy faster muscle gains and quicker recovery after workouts.  
  Time-Release means continuous protein nourishment of your muscles throughout the day and also before bedtime when your body works it’s hardest to recover. And that it is brought to you by Ultimate Nutrition means unsurpassed Quality, Consistency, and the Ultimate Nutrition Promise; what you see is what you get.
Selected References
Kent KD, Harper WJ, Bomser JA. Effect of whey protein isolate on intracellular glutathione and oxidant-induced cell death in human prostate epithelial cells. Toxicol In Vitro. 2003 Feb; 17(1): 27-33.

Lambert EV, Hawley JA, Goedecke J, Noakes TD, Dennis SC. Nutritional strategies for promoting fat utilization and delaying the onset of fatigue during prolonged exercise. J Sports Sci. 1997 Jun;15(3):315-24.

Rozenek R, Ward P, Long S, Garhammer J., Effects of high-calorie supplements on body composition and muscular strength following resistance training. J Sports Med Phys Fitness. 2002 Sep;42(3):340-7.

Takeuchi H, Kasai M, Taguchi N, Tsuji H, Suzuki M., Effect of triacylglycerols containing medium- and long-chain fatty acids on serum triacylglycerol levels and body fat in college athletes. J Nutr Sci Vitaminol (Tokyo). 2002 Apr;48(2):109-14.

Kerksick CM, Rasmussen CJ, Lancaster SL, Magu B, Smith P, Melton C, Greenwood M, Almada AL, Earnest CP, Kreider RB. The effects of protein and amino acid supplementation on performance and training adaptations during ten weeks of resistance training. J Strength Cond Res. 2006 Aug;20(3):643-53.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is Karbo-lyn®?

Karbo-lyn® is a homopolysaccharide (relatively complex carbohydrate). It is made up of many monosaccharides joined together by glycosidic bonds. These are specific bonds that link the molecules within the branched macromolecules. Karbo-lyn® also has a higher solution osmolarity than dextrose, sucrose or other carbohydrate powder mixes on the market. Karbo-lyn® is a very dense or concentrated form of carbohydrates. Gram for gram the energy concentration is far greater in terms of energy output. It is also absorbed rapidly and results in semi-loading the muscles with vital glycogen within the first hour and the muscles become fully loaded with the glycogen in less than two hours ready to yield a super–extended stream of dynamic energy.
2. What are the nutritional benefits of canola?

Canola is recognized for its nutritional attributes as it contains the lowest level of saturated fatty acids of any vegetable oil. It is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels, and has moderate amounts of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. Like all vegetable oils, canola oil is cholesterol-free. Nutritional research is confirming that the fatty profile of canola oil appears to be beneficial in preventing and treating coronary heart disease risk factors including high blood cholesterol and lipid levels as well as thrombosis.

3. Why is there an Enzyme Blend?

Enzymes promote absorption and assimilation. The importance of digestive enzymes resides in the fact that the human body cannot absorb nutrients in food unless digestive enzymes break them down. This ensures that we get the greatest possible nutritional value from foods.