How to increase strength of a muscles

How to increase strength of a muscles?
To increase its strength (or relative maximum), must follow certain rules (improving intramuscular coordination and central nervous system, increase muscle size, etc ...). 
At the level of force, two concepts exist:
- Maximum force;
- The relative strength.

The first is the maximum voltage that can exercise a muscle. The second depends on the weight of the practitioner, is the maximum voltage per kilogram of body weight.

Relative Strength:

To increase the relative strength is simple: to lose weight while maintaining strength. As seen above, the strength depends greatly on the size of the muscle , so it is not possible to be very thin and very strong. So there is a correlation between muscle size and strength, so the weight between the practitioner and strength. It is for this reason that in combat sports (boxing or judo type for example) the fighters are classified by weight.

To improve this ratio, we must have the highest volume possible with the muscular body weight as low as possible, and to do this, it is essential to be dry, that is to say, have little body fat. This fat is an unnecessary burden, all athletes classified by weight must seek to eliminate.

Maximum Force:
The increase of the maximum force is possible in three ways:
- Improved coordination of intramuscular and central nervous system. This method increases the number of contracted muscle fibers and simultaneously improving muscle contraction of assistance that can help performance. This type of gain is realized by making workouts like Force , so using the big basic exercises and sets short and heavy (over 77% of your 1RM) for a brief and very intense work. It does little muscle gain, earnings were 90% nervous here.

- Increased muscle size. Mechanically, if the muscle size increases, the potential strength also increases (it is sufficient then to learn to tap this potential force). This increase in muscle size is the purpose of bodybuilding: hypertrophy is obtained with training based on longer runs, more and more small (between 60% and 77% of 1RM).

- A mixture of these two combinations: to play both ways, alternately.

Whatever the format used, we must realize one thing: the PTO follows a set pattern:

- Phase 1: Improvement of innervation, therefore the force increases as the CNS better use existing muscles: contraction better, use more fiber ... So there is here a pure PTO, no mass uptake. This is what happens often in the early workouts when doing weight training or training-type force. Once this adaptation is maximal, it is possible to gain strength this way, it then goes to phase2.
- Phase 2: muscle hypertrophy: increased muscle size. Nervous when the gain is no longer possible, and provided that environmental permits (recovery, nutrition, ...), the body has no alternative but to grow muscles.

Immediate improvement of force:
It is possible to produce a rapid but short of force, through the technique of potentiation or potentiation. This method is to lift a heavy weight (120% of the normal load), to make some movements with a very low amplitude. For example, to the bench, if you want to do your max to 100kg, 120kg lift a bar, to do just a few swings of 5-10cm of amplitude. Then rest the bar and wait 2 minutes and make your series. You will have more strength to your serial 100kg. This method helps stimulate the nervous system, which after lifting heavy is much more effective in your series. Caution, do not use each series, because this technique is exhausting mentally.

What is muscular strength?
Is the ability to produce maximum muscle tension.

Why is it important to improve muscle strength?
It is extremely important, have you noticed the difference in the skin for example in a 8 year old a 40 and a man of 70?
Well, with age the skin is loose, it tends to generate fat and lose tone, that's what you see on the outside skin, muscles can you imagine? Yes, just as they lose strength, which could result in 70 years when they can not get a cup of water because the pitcher is very heavy, or perhaps unable to stand on a chair, I am not exaggerating, if people who do not exercise could know all the good you do exercise in a proper way, believe the numbers would increase significantly. In addition to the development of our muscles so that we become stronger our routine life takes place in a better way, for example: if a child is going to fall, I have the reflexes and strength to get to it easier and faster, the exercise of power and oxygen causes the bones to strengthen as well. Frequent and tailored training delays force and prevents aging.

On the other hand, the effects of strength training on the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases linked to sedentary lifestyle have been less studied than the effects of aerobic endurance training, however, the results of several studies suggest that strength training sample is accompanied by a decrease in body fat and risk of type II diabetes, as well as a lower risk of developing osteoporosis or suffering from backache.

What are the main types of strength exercises recommended?

Stimulating the muscles involved in major movements of daily life, including the muscles involved in knee extension, to rise from a chair or bed. That extend and flex the elbows, to transport heavy objects. Which prevent or delay the onset of neck and back pain. Those who maintain proper posture.

The muscle strength along with endurance are the qualities that can be developed through proper training regardless of external appearance and structural, ie, inherited or acquired character. The weight training is unique in a short period of training is achieved amazing results in improving the quality of strength. Scientific studies have shown that increased overall strength facilitates the learning of new motor skills.

Unfortunately we still see today in many gyms as weight training early shortening the muscles, leading to shin splints, numb muscles and reduce flexibility and speed, this happens when loading a lot of weight and pull with great force dropping for example working a bicep curl with a 3 kg dumbbell arm to close the explosive and return to point of origin without any resistance, this causes the muscle develops only inward, is shortened and so does Some people can not extend his elbow.

muscle strength in men is an indispensable necessity for the maintenance of posture and performance of a life in motion.

It is now known that the development of muscle strength, as any other quality, depends on the magnitude of the requirement in the unit of time, which is what determines the intensity of stimulus, and with it the muscle tension. According to this physiological principle that the voltage is low due to low resistance to overcome, does not increase muscle strength. Only use loads is achieved successive biochemical transformations that occur in the muscle. The weight that a particular muscle is capable of winning in each case determine the intensity of the stimulus is applied. Importantly, the muscle will increase depending on the load physically using, if you want to dial or tone without causing hypertrophy (the muscle to look great), you can do, but the fact does not mean load will hypertrophy, is how food is made and to be carried out to make or grow a muscle.

How to improve muscle strength

How to improve muscle strength?
Muscle strength is required to perform daily living activities with less discomfort and risk of injury. Age, especially after the 2 nd half of life, and lack of exercise also act together to reduce the strength and muscle mass. Even those individuals stronger, slowly and imperceptibly may find themselves too weak to perform routine tasks in the last decades of his life. The effort to develop and maintain muscle strength in the present, will be rewarded to ensure the ability to live independently and normal in the future.
The strength training also increases:
  •  Bone mineral density
  • Lean mass ,The strength of the connective tissues

Although the increase in aerobic capacity and carries a certain increase in strength, this is small, especially in the upper body. It is therefore necessary to develop this capability activities specifically at least 3 times a week. Generally, to increase muscle mass is necessary to make resistance exercises or lifting weights. To work the major muscle groups (legs, arms, abdomen, upper body) is convenient to choose different exercises.

How to work and develop muscle strength?  
The muscles must work against a resistance greater than that faced in their daily activities. Free weights can be more or less heavy machinery or other equipment to work specific muscle groups. Also can improve strength through exercises using own body weight and gravity: abdominal, backgrounds, dominated, leg lifts.
The action should be repeated enough times to produce muscle fatigue.
Intensity is close to maximum force which develops more rapidly. You can change the intensity by varying the weight, number of repetitions, and / or time of rest between sets. Strength is improved by increasing the weight and strength with the number of repetitions. Care must be taken to avoid making too much work to prevent muscle soreness or injury. In his last position on the quantity and quality of exercise recommended for healthy adults, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends:

  1. A circuit 8-10 exercises involving major muscle groups
  2.   Although one set of each exercise can be enough to get to 2 or 3 progressive, if time permits provide greater benefits.
  3.   Perform 8 to 12 repetitions (10-15 in age 50-60 years) of each of these exercises to the point of fatigue.
  4. . Do strength training 2 to 3 days per week.
  5.   Use the proper technique for each of them.
  6.   Do the exercises using the full joint arch for each muscle group. 7. The movements must be gentle, moderate to slow speed and maintaining control of both the lift and to lower the weight.
  7.   Maintain a normal breathing during each repetition.
  8. Try to match a partner in the work sessions for encouragement and help.

Strength training versus bodybuilding
Many people, especially women, worry that strength training can make them look muscular. However, although it is possible to build muscle through weight work, if it is done with more repetitions and less weight can be achieved strength and tone increase in muscle mass.
Those who work regularly with weights frequently mention the muscular burning sensation you feel when the muscles are to the point of absolute fatigue, or what is, to limit their ability to work. While the work after reaching this point will produce an additional benefit, the consequences of increased muscle pain the next day and increased risk of possible injury to overcome muscular capacity.

How to include the work force at its daily
Although aerobic training sessions are not specifically designed to improve strength, may include some changes with surprising results.
Walking: include slopes and long series of steps 1 or 2 days a week. Try mountain roads or up and down and carrying a backpack from 5 to 10 kg.

Field run up and down stairs or the strength helps increase substantially. Race circuits including seasons dominated or abdominal to help improve the strength of the upper body.

The slopes are very good but be careful not to take too much development (slow pedaling cadence) that can damage the knees. With the mountain bike, the roads often force stand on the pedals help to develop both the strength of the arms and upper body and legs.

Basic rules for injury prevention
Do not overtrain. Like any other type of physical activity strength training should be done gradually. Reduced or not further increase the load if you feel unwell during or after a workout. Only increase the workload (weight or reps) when I noticed that it does not fatigue with which it is made.  When using the machines seek advice from someone experienced. If a gym that is the monitor of the weight room that teach you how to use machines with proper technique and to set the charges on both the principle and when to increase them.  If you intend to lift heavy loads with free weights, always with someone who can help if the load is too heavy. Your muscles and joints are more vulnerable to injury if they have to bear an excessive burden when they are fatigued.
