Exercises for Developing and Defining Thigh and Calf Muscle
Perhaps you joined a gym and started weightlifting , and you include squats, both full and hack squats, in your workout routein. As a result, given the sometimes quite amazing transformational power of squats, perhaps you've already begun to notice increased muscularity and size in your legs. Then again, perhaps you've also noticed a lack of shape and definition, not only in your thigh but also in your calf muscles. You can remedy these problems, though, by adding leg extensions, leg curls, and seated calf raises to your workout routine.
Leg Curl Exercises for Developing Back Thigh Muscles
According to Schwarzenegger, seven-time winner of the Mr. Olympia title, leg curls are ideal for developing the leg biceps, guild wars 2 gold, which are the muscles extending down the back of the thighs. However, he also says that in order for someone to reap maximum benefits, the exercise must be "done strictly and through the fullest range of motion possible"
In order to do this exercise correctly:
- Lie face down on the leg-curl machine.
- Hook heels under the lever (Keep legs straight).
- Keeping your chest on the bench, curl legs as far as possible (The leg biceps should be fully contracted).
- Release and slowly lower the weight back to starting position.
Note: Although you can raise your head, do not allow your torso to lift up from the bench while performing the exercise.
Leg Extension Exercises for Thigh Shape and Definition
Schwarzenegger says that the leg-extension is extremely effective for shaping muscles in the front of the thigh. What's more, cheapest guild wars 2 gold, by performing this exercise regularly, as well as correctly, people can increase the definition in their thighs without jeopardizing any of the gains they have made or are continuing to make in size with exercises like full squats and hack squats, the two most effective exercises for building muscular thighs.
In order to do this exercise correctly:
- Sit erect on the leg-extension machine (Do not slump).
- Hook your feet under the padded bar at the bottom.
- Slowly extend legs as far as possible (Do not allow hips to lift from the seat).
- Lock legs when fully extended.
- Hold for a count of ten.
- Slowly lower legs until feet are farther back than knees (Try to feel the "stretch" in your thigh muscles).
- Do 10 to 15 reps.
- Complete a minimum of three sets.
Seated Calf Raises for Building Diamond-Shaped Calves
Schwarzenegger maintains that, ideally, a person's calf development should to be equal to that in his biceps, so if your calves are smaller than your biceps, you need to provide them with extra attention; and the seated calf-raise is a superb exercise for accomplishing this goal. Moreover, not only will this exercise increase the muscle mass in your calves but also define and shape them. In fact, after you've done calf-raises for a while, don't be surprised if you overhear other people commenting upon your impressive ‘diamond-shaped" calves.
In order to perform this exercise properly:
- Sit on the calf-raise machine.
- Position toes on the bottom crosspiece.
- Hook knees under the crossbar.
- Slowly lower heels as far as possible.
- Press upward, using toes, until calves are fully contracted.
- Repeat for 10 to 15 reps
- Complete a minimum of three sets.
In summary, the three exercises above can help you achieve the shape and definition you want in your thighs and calves. Moreover, if you do at least three says twice a week (always skip a day between), you should begin to see noticeable results in only a few short weeks.