John Cena Biography

John Cena Biography

Maybe no WWE Superstar can relate to the fans quite like SmackDown!'s John Cena.

After all, before john Cena became a household name in sports-entertainment, before he became an accomplished rapper and before he grabbed the leading role in a major motion picture, he was a WWE fan.

Cena came to live events, created home made signs and even collected WWE action figures. All in hope of one day performing in the ring himself.

And Cena's dream came through in resounding fashion at WrestleMania 21 when he defeated JBL for the WWE Championship. In the Staples Center, the same arena where he watched so many matches as a fan, Cena won the WWE Championship.

A former football star at Springfield College, Cena was addicted to training and music growing up. After a successful bodybuilding career, he began his wrestling journey not long after he left college. The rest is history.

Now, his superior physique and impressive mic skills make him one of the top young Superstars on SmackDown!

But Cena can do more than look good and drop a smooth rhyme. He's also an accomplished WWE competitor, despite making his debut less than three years ago.

Cena is a multi-time United States Champion. He began his first reign in amazing fashion by defeating Big Show at WrestleMania XX.

In June of 2002, Cena had one of the more memorable debuts in SmackDown! history. After Kurt Angle challenged anyone backstage to a match, Cena, a young wrestler looking for a big break, made his way to the ring.

Angle would win that match, but Cena took him to the brink, impressing everyone in attendance that night, including the entire SmackDown! roster. In his relatively short time with WWE, Cena has already built up quite a resume.

By April of 2003, Cena was already in his first pay-per-view main event, battling Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship at Backlash.

He defended his United States Championship in a thrilling best-of-five series with Booker T in the fall of 2004. In the 2005 Royal Rumble, Cena was the last Superstar to be eliminated, as RAW's Batista went on to emerge victorious.

Most recently, at No Way Out, Cena defeated Angle in the final of the No. 1 Contender's Tournament, landing Cena a spot opposite JBL for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 21.

Through all of his success, Cena has never forgotten his roots, which began in the bleachers watching the likes of Hollywood Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart.

He refers to his fans as members of his "Chain Gang." Together, he figures, they can't lose. And so far, the combination of their support and his talent, have made John Cena one of the top Superstars around.

Natural bodybuilding steroids

Natural bodybuilding steroids: mesocycle strength 
The first thing to emphasize is that if the pure strength is important in bodybuilding in general, in the natural and even essential.
The cross section of the muscle is proportional to the force and therefore more load is used (always within the terms of the correct execution of the exercise) and the more you tend to put on lean muscle mass.
This is a rule that you must always keep in mind, do not be fooled by articles or seminars of the lucky genetic monsters who claim not to particular courses of strength.
They say it because they never needed them since, besides being naturally gifted, have always held high through cycles and cycles of anabolic steroids .
But the most natural, not having this gene and not taking medications, she is forced to consistently mesocycle of strength, as this is the only way to increase it.
We have said that force is directly proportional to the cross section of the muscle, therefore, suppose you have a muscle with a diameter of 7.5 cm, thus having a section area of 44.12 square cm.
As we shall see later, with some mesocycle of pure strength, you can get in some musclestrength increases to 50% in just two months.
Now, as there is a direct proportionality between the increase of the transverse and strength, we conclude that our muscle's surface has increased by 50%, which is now 66.18 square cm.
Moreover, the work force also improves the so-called intermuscular coordination, which is the ability to achieve greater synergy between the main agonist muscles and muscle chains complementary. In the horizontal bench , for example, the agonist muscle is the pectoralis major, but working with it so important to have the deltoid and triceps. The regular work with big loads optimize this synergy, increasing the efficiency of the nervous system and thus improve performance.
The strength of the steroid is natural, because it is the only variable that can increase the intensity equal to an increase in other components of quality of training. In fact, the intensity of bodybuilding workout can be increased with several basic precautions :
  • Increase of sets.
  • Increase the repetitions.
  • Weight gain
  • Increase exercise
  • Decreased recovery time
  • Increase of seats

E 'but that's easy to see sets, reps, exercises, sessions, and recovery times can be changed up to a certain point, because you can not get out from the outer fringe of training for the'hypertrophy / hyperplasia . The only way to achieve results and raise the intensity is the gradual increase of load, the loads themselves lasted for years never lead to an increase in muscle. So the force is the only thing that can and should be increased to a greater stimulus muscle.
The intensity formula is: I = (repetitions x kg) / time

If you have a limit of 120kg and you have to do 3 sets of 8 reps with a pause of one minute and a half, you will have calculated that with 75% of the maximum you will get about 8 reps:

Intensity = (90x24) / 90 = 24

If after the period of pure force have increased the limit to 140kg and try to make the given year with the same variables, changing only the weight that is 75% of the new ceiling , you will:

Intensity = (105x24) / 90 = 28

The training intensity is increased by 4 points, significantly boosting your workouts and opening new avenues for muscle growth.

There are athletes who for years are still always on the same weights, perhaps convinced that their ceilings are impassable. The program of pure strength raises the ceilings with a percentage, which varies from person to person, between 10 and 18%, giving great motivation for these individuals and a devastating psychological charge.
The work force is based on a few years, the average total volume of work, long pauses and sessions very rarefied.
Think about that many times in some subjects, especially when equipped with long lever, the shift from a traditional training to a workout with sub-maximal loads, also causes a marked increase of muscle mass on average 2-3kg.
This phenomenon is most likely due to the shock induced by the different body approach to the intensity and greater recovery of force given by the program.

For the structure, at this stage of training will be adopted only basic exercises, which stimulate so important to the neuro-muscular system and that will be used in the rest of the annual.
The frequency of sessions to be decided according to your personal resilience.
Normally we alternate between three tables three times a week, ending the cycle in 7 days, but if you practice other sports, or carry a heavy work, you can workout even 2 times a week, so you can have an adequate recovery.
Before undertaking this exercise, which in BIIO corresponds to the third mesocycle, calculatedly 90% of the ceiling (with a single lift maximum weight allowance) based on the exercises.
So we will go to make a 6 x 90% ceiling.
For each set you do all the repetitions that come with just 90% of the ceiling, the last coming in muscle failure .
On average, come out from 4 to 2 reps, with a time of recovery that goes on around 3-4 minutes to reload all the creatine of the muscles.
In the second week, leaving the same weight as the previous session, the tuition will increase by a repeat on each series, if you ever quite recovered.
This is a training bomb your nervous system and will adapt to the heavy submaximal weights.

Steroids & Blood Doping on Steroids

Steroids & Blood Doping on Steroids

One of the ways athletes can improve their performance is by blood boosting. Blood boosting has been around for about 40 years and has been widely abused by athletes. But because of the secrecy surrounding it, not many people are aware of it. Unlike anabolic steroids which are eaten or injected, blood boosting entails a lot more. The technique of blood doping requires the help of health care professionals. Blood boosting is essentially the administration of blood or blood products to an athlete to boost performance. Alternative names for blood boosting are blood doping or blood packing. In the world of sports, blood boosting is illegal and is banned. Many athletes in the past have used this technique to boost their performance. The technique is extremely hard to detect but the Sporting agencies are developing newer methods to screen for this practice.

How it is done
The process of blood boosting involves removing blood from the athlete. The blood is then stored for 6-8 weeks. The athlete continues to train with the decreased amount of blood in the body. Over the coming 2-3 weeks, the athlete then rebuilds the blood which was removed. Just before a sports event, the removed blood is hyper oxygenated and given back to the athlete. The athlete is now hyper loaded with fresh red blood cells. This increased in red blood cells results in more oxygen and a greater ability to perform. A variant of this procedure is to receive a blood transfusion from an unknown donor just before a sporting event. However, donated blood also possesses risk of infections and allergic reactions.

The amount of blood removed from the athlete varies from 1-3 units (each unit is about 450 cc). The blood is spun and the plasma is separated from the red blood cells. The red blood cells are stored in the cold and then reinfused back in the body just a few days before a sporting event. When done in a proper way, this can increase the red cell count by another 20%.

Problems with Blood Doping  
The process of blood doping has to be carried out in a medical facility to maintain sterility. Blood transfusion can be done at home but the risks of infection are very high. Many athletes believe that the more the red blood cells, the better it is. However, this is not how the body works. Definitely, more blood is better but only to a certain degree. The majority of medical problems associated with blood doping are related to the increased viscosity due to the increased number of red blood cells. What the athletes forget is that during exercise, one dehydrates and thus the extra red blood cells now start to plug up all the blood vessels. This can be dangerous and there have been many reports of strokes.

The other medical problems include:

  • Phlebitis
  • blood clots
  • heart attacks
  • allergic reactions
  • Infections like Hepatiis, AIDS and CMV have also been reported

Because of these side effects and complications, blood doping is not encouraged.

Blood doping and sports  
There is no doubt that blood doping can increase athletic performance because of steroids. Today, the Olympic and sporting agencies discourage blood doping and consider it unfair. As of today, trying to detect blood doping has not been fruitful. There are no fool proof tests to check an athlete for blood doping.

A recent variation along the same lines of blood doping has been developed at the University of Colorado. Igor Gamow has developed a sleep chamber that mimics reduced air pressure seen at high altitude and thus, the body stimulates the production of red blood cells. This enables the athlete to train at sea level and have the same fitness advantage as an athlete that is living at high altitude. Work from Colorado indicates that if one sleeps in the chamber 6-8 hours a day for 2-3 weeks, the hemoglobin concentration can increase by more than 23%. This type of holistic Doping is considered legal safe and natural.

Conclusion For the time being blood doping remains controversial in sports medicine. While illegal, blood doping still is not detectable by any tests that we have so far. While the procedure does provide benefit to the athletes, there are also some dangerous risks associated with the procedure. However, with the no win attitude and the lure of big money in sports, most athletes will go to any extreme to increase their performance.

Injectable Steroids on Steroids

Injectable Steroids on Steroids
Anabolic steroids come in oil based formulations. All anabolic steroids have a basic cholesterol-like structure and thus do not dissolve in water. While there are some water based formulations, the majority of anabolic steroids sold in cyberspace come in oil formulations. There are several benefits of having the formulation in oil. Once injected the active drug is slowly released over time and thus a constant level in the blood is maintained. Oil depots usually stay where they are injected and are less likely to disappear in the surrounding tissues. Intramuscular injections (IM) do not have to be performed everyday but 1-2 times a week or even longer. When the drug has to be injected intramuscularly, this means you have to inject it into the muscles and not simply underneath the skin. The drug when injected in the muscle forms a depot. If the drug is simply injected underneath the skin, it will not only be painful but will form a large swelling and the results can be unpredictable. Further, subcutaneous injections of oily formulations can also lead to skin breakdown. The most common sites of intramuscular injections are the buttocks, outside of the thigh or upper arm.

Buttock injections

Buttock IM injections are usually done by a colleague or a friend. If one looks at the buttock, the injections must be done on the upper and outer quadrant of the buttock. This is vital because anywhere else, and you risk injuring the major sciatic nerve. When the injection is done elsewhere, injury to the sciatic nerve can occur and remains painful for a long time. For the intramuscular injection, one should either lie down on the stomach or stand up with the body leaning forward. The buttock area should be cleansed with an alcohol wipe and in one swift motion the needle is inserted at a 90 degree angle. Never inject immediately after you have penetrated into the muscle. Always aspirate slightly on the plunger. The reason for this is to prevent accidental injection into a blood vessel. If upon aspiration you get blood in the syringe, remove the needle and go more laterally and superior (outside and upwards). One the injection is done, pull the needle and gently massage the area with the fingers. A few seconds of pressure is all that is required.

After each steroid injection, the needle and the syringe should be disposed in a biohazard container.

Figure showing injection into the buttock muscle

In the below figure, one can see the area of injection. If the needle is aimed lower or more inside the buttocks, you risk injury to the sciatic nerve.

Deltoid injections  
Some people prefer to inject the drug in the upper arm. On the lateral aspect of the arm, one can inject into the deltoid muscle. Unlike the buttocks, the volume of drug injected is quite small, in most cases it is less than 1 ml. The injection can be done by first feeling for the shoulder bone on the side of the arm. Then one can grab the muscle and directly aim the injection into the muscle. Once the needle is inserted, always aspirate slightly to ensure that the needle is not inside a blood vessel. After injection, pull the needle out and gently massage the area for a few seconds. For large volumes the deltoid is not a great place to inject. Further repeated injections into the arm can cause pain. Figure showing area of injection into the upper arm.

Outside of thigh  
Outside the thigh is another area where one can inject anabolic steroids. This can be done in the seating position. It is vital that the injection be made on the outside on the thigh. Identify the lateral muscle, clean the area and inject at right angle. Always aspirate first before injection. If there is no blood then one can safely inject. No IM injections should be done anywhere else on the leg or thigh. There are vital nerves and large blood vessels on the inside of the thigh.