Why Muscle Pumps Have Nothing To do With Muscle Gains
Why Muscle Pumps Have Nothing To do With Muscle Gains
Your back is firmly planted on the bench as you wrap your chalked hands around the cold, steel bar. Your training partner helps you un-rack the weight as you power the bar up and down, squeezing your chest and triceps on each grueling rep. You complete your 6 repetitions, re-rack the bar and stand up. Your chest feels tight and engorged with blood. You take a look in the mirror, thrilled with how full and vascular your pecs appear. You feel strong, powerful, healthy and motivated to blast through the rest of your workout with your newly achieved “pump”.
Let’s face it, a pump feels incredible. For those of you who aren’t quite sure what I’m talking about, a pump is the feeling that you get as blood becomes trapped inside your muscle tissue as a result of resistance training. The muscles will swell up and increase in size, vascularity and tightness.
There is certainly nothing wrong with achieving a pump in the gym, and it is simply a natural result of intense weight training. However, contrary to what the majority of weightlifters may think, a pump is in no way indicative of a successful workout. Anyone who uses the intensity of their pump as a gauge for the effectiveness of their workout is making a costly error.
On countless occasions I've heard lifters raving about the massive pumps they get in the gym as they share methods for achieving the best pump possible. "Dude, this will give you a crazy pump!" If you have already been working out for a decent amount of time then you know exactly what I'm talking about. While a pump does feel extremely satisfying, just remember that it means very little in terms of muscle stimulation and growth.
A pump is simply the result of extra blood within the muscle tissue. Think of it this way: if I took a pair of 10 pound dumbbells and performed 300 reps of a bench press movement, I would achieve an incredible pump. If muscle pumps meant muscle growth, then super light weight, ultra high rep programs would be the most effective way to grow. Any serious lifter with half a brain knows that this simply is not the case.
Do you want to know how to truly gauge the success of a workout? Here it is…
Take your workout records (in terms of weight and reps) from the previous week and compare it to the current week. Did you improve? Were you able to either increase the resistance slightly on each exercise, or perform an extra rep or two? If so, you had a successful workout, regardless of how much blood you were able to pump into your muscle tissue.
Building muscle mass and strength is all about training with 100% intensity on every given set and then striving to improve from week to week. If you are able to consistently achieve this, your muscle size and strength will increase faster than you ever thought possible, with or without a pump.
pumping of muscle
pumping of muscle
Ever notice how you look your biggest and buffest during and immediately after your workout? Of course you do! You sneak a peak at yourself in the gym mirrors any chance you get.When you're pumping iron, your blood vessels are pumping blood. As you work out, your muscles contract and apply pressure to these vessels. Think about gently squeezing a straw as liquid flows through it. This means your body is working harder to push blood and oxygen through these temporarily tightened "straws."Towards the end of your workout, as your blood pressure slowly returns to normal, the vessels expand back to their normal size, and the backed-up blood and oxygen come flooding back through. This rapid flooding is what gives your muscle that extra "pop" and temporary pump — keyword being temporary.
But, let's say you have a hot date or a day at the beach planned for later. How do you make that pump last as long as possible?
According to a recent study published in Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, you should do high reps with low weights during your workout. A practical application of this finding if you don't have time for a full workout is to do a quick push-up routine before you hit the shower.
Do as many push-ups as you can until your form starts to break down, then rest for 1 minute, and repeat. Try for 3-5 solid minutes, and you'll be pumped and ready to go!
Of course, a few hours later, she'll get to watch as your muscles shrivel up and shrink away, but we're going for first impressions here, right?
Why Your Muscle Pumps Don't Build Muscle
Why Your Muscle Pumps Don't Build Muscle
Which is better, the pump or the feeling of totally exhausting your muscles to the point of failure when it is nearly impossible to pick up a pencil? Good question because I can promise that one is asked a lot. People love the feeling of being pumped and the blood flowing thru their muscles. In fact, Arnold has quite a few 'interesting' quotes on this subject.
But really, what is better? The muscle pump or the taxed feeling?
Let's get down to brass tacks...
A pump does not build muscle. But overloading and giving your body a reason to grow does.
By the way...
There is some evidence to suggest that pumping the muscle full of blood will help get more nutrients to the area and therefore, help to build muscle. That is a weak argument that a pump builds muscle but nonetheless, I have run across that bit of debate.
While you might leave the gym feeling weak but not pumped, that certainly doesn't mean you are not making some serious progress. And in fact, some programs I've tried, I leave the gym feeling completely weak but I'm not pumped at all and I even have the feeling I could do more work but that's not part of the program.
My strong hunch is...
That you love the pumps! I mean honestly who doesn't? I know I do and that's why I found a little way to get the best of both worlds. Sort of like having my cake and eating it to.
It's called super setting. It's not a new concept at all. In fact it's an old bodybuilding method but is foundational and can give you a great pump but at the same time, leaves you feeling weak and not wanting more.
Really think about...
A pump is just the blood flowing to the area. You can get a good pump without working all that hard. Giving your body no reason to grow. But you can get a great pump.
Overloading your muscles doesn't have to give you a pump either. If you engage in training that has you lift heavy weights but only in the 4-6 rep range, you may not feel a pump at all. But you will be weaker and you will get stronger. Yet you'll lose the feeling of pumps entirely because lifting heavy and resting simply doesn't give your body a chance to get all that blood to the area like a typical pump will do.
Needless to say...
Many just get frustrated and go between trying to get the best pumps and actually working hard.
What they don't know is that super setting is the ultimate way to work your muscle to a state of exhausting (increasing the intensity) and yet get that massive pump you've been looking to get.
Sample Pump Routine:
Incline Smith Bench Press (12 reps; slow, controlled reps, 70-75% of max)
IMMEDIATELY followed by
Incline Dumbbell Flyes (12 reps; 70-75% of max)
Keep in mind, this is just a sample but you are using weights that are challenging, in a higher rep range and following it up with another exercise that works the same area.
All this means is that you are going to bump up the intensity (forcing your body to grow) AND push blood to the area to get a great pump.
You can even experiment with rest intervals so that it's even more intense and the area you are focusing on is totally pumped.
Please understand that a pump itself does not build muscle. Overloading it, challenging it and giving it a reason to grow does.
You can use various techniques to bump up the intensity of any exercise, making it challenging without stacking on super heavy weights and having long rest periods. You'll not only get stronger and build muscle but you will get that pump feeling back.
Don't think that one or the other is better or worse, it's just different. But you can use techniques as I've shown above to build muscle and get them pumped up as well.
Certainly there are other ways in which to raise the intensity of an exercise and make it more difficult and still get the pumped feeling. Supersets were but one example. Drop sets are another variation that not only can overload the muscle and force it to grow thru intensity and progressive overload but you'll get a fantastic pump from that method as well. There's several other techniques you can use that I will detail in another article.
Make sure you go to http://www.musclepumpworld.blogspot.com and learn more about super setting and the various training programs you can use to get a super pump and overload your muscles and force them to grow. You can have your cake and eat it too in the Beginner's Guide to Fitness and Bodybuilding.
Weight Gain Tips
Weight Gain Tips
Although obesity is a very common problem all over the world, its counterpart, being underweight is a much underestimated condition and just as problematic. Just as with being overweight, there are a number of difference factors that play a role in the development of the condition ranging from social to economic problems to simple genetic conditions or the mental approach of an individual to the amount of food she or he consumes. Before getting into the details of the various causes and complications that arise out of being underweight, it is important to be able to first identify and properly categorize an individual as being underweight. The classification works in tandem with the body mass index, so it is important to be able to understand how the BMI table works. Also known as the Quetelet sheet, the BMI is primarily a measure of the ideal body weight in relation to the individual’s height. Simply put, the BMI lets you know what the ideal weight would be for a certain height. The calculation results in a figure of which anything below 18.5 is considered to be underweight for the tested individual’s height.
One of the most common causes of being underweight is malnutrition as a result of poverty. This is the primary reason that malnutrition is most prominent in underdeveloped countries all over the world, mainly afflicting those that live below the poverty line. Moreover, studies have shown that the effects of malnutrition are usually amplified by a number of other normally easily treatable diseases that could possibly lead to death when ignored. Being underweight could also easily be the result of simple genetics where the individual is another in a long line of a bloodline where most members retain a rather slim figure no matter what they eat. The individuals mental approach towards food consumption could also play a vital role in malnutrition as psychological conditions such as bulimia and anorexia are self imposed restrictions of food intake that deprive the body of the required nutrients, vitamins and minerals that it requires to perform optimally. Some athletes are known to over train to an excessive degree – this causes the body to burn large amounts of fat in order to create energy – leading to very low body weight.
Because of the fact that the condition is relatively common, there are a number of weight gain tips that can help you achieve a healthier body mass index. For instance, counting your calories will help significantly and while it is important to avoid fast and junk foods, increasing your intake of normal everyday home cooked meals and start weighing yourself on a regular basis. Eating properly is the first step of proper and healthy weight gain – the main course of action will focus on consuming more calories than you burn. Another one of the most important weight gain tips is to make sure that you start weight training so as to ensure that any additional weight put on is muscle. This adds a significant amount of definition to your body otherwise all the extra food you eat will only convert itself into fat within your body and not muscle. It is also very important to increase your intake of good fats – meaning that when following weight gain tips, it is important to avoid eating foods that do not help in any way such as cakes, candy and chips. High protein and low fat dishes such as tuna fish, chicken breast, lean meats and other fruits and vegetables are highly recommended. One of the most important aspects of weight gain diets as well as weight gain tips for women and generic healthy weight gain tips is to make sure that you get your fair share of rest in order to allow your body to function properly.
Although obesity is a very common problem all over the world, its counterpart, being underweight is a much underestimated condition and just as problematic. Just as with being overweight, there are a number of difference factors that play a role in the development of the condition ranging from social to economic problems to simple genetic conditions or the mental approach of an individual to the amount of food she or he consumes. Before getting into the details of the various causes and complications that arise out of being underweight, it is important to be able to first identify and properly categorize an individual as being underweight. The classification works in tandem with the body mass index, so it is important to be able to understand how the BMI table works. Also known as the Quetelet sheet, the BMI is primarily a measure of the ideal body weight in relation to the individual’s height. Simply put, the BMI lets you know what the ideal weight would be for a certain height. The calculation results in a figure of which anything below 18.5 is considered to be underweight for the tested individual’s height.
One of the most common causes of being underweight is malnutrition as a result of poverty. This is the primary reason that malnutrition is most prominent in underdeveloped countries all over the world, mainly afflicting those that live below the poverty line. Moreover, studies have shown that the effects of malnutrition are usually amplified by a number of other normally easily treatable diseases that could possibly lead to death when ignored. Being underweight could also easily be the result of simple genetics where the individual is another in a long line of a bloodline where most members retain a rather slim figure no matter what they eat. The individuals mental approach towards food consumption could also play a vital role in malnutrition as psychological conditions such as bulimia and anorexia are self imposed restrictions of food intake that deprive the body of the required nutrients, vitamins and minerals that it requires to perform optimally. Some athletes are known to over train to an excessive degree – this causes the body to burn large amounts of fat in order to create energy – leading to very low body weight.
Because of the fact that the condition is relatively common, there are a number of weight gain tips that can help you achieve a healthier body mass index. For instance, counting your calories will help significantly and while it is important to avoid fast and junk foods, increasing your intake of normal everyday home cooked meals and start weighing yourself on a regular basis. Eating properly is the first step of proper and healthy weight gain – the main course of action will focus on consuming more calories than you burn. Another one of the most important weight gain tips is to make sure that you start weight training so as to ensure that any additional weight put on is muscle. This adds a significant amount of definition to your body otherwise all the extra food you eat will only convert itself into fat within your body and not muscle. It is also very important to increase your intake of good fats – meaning that when following weight gain tips, it is important to avoid eating foods that do not help in any way such as cakes, candy and chips. High protein and low fat dishes such as tuna fish, chicken breast, lean meats and other fruits and vegetables are highly recommended. One of the most important aspects of weight gain diets as well as weight gain tips for women and generic healthy weight gain tips is to make sure that you get your fair share of rest in order to allow your body to function properly.
How to increase strength of a muscles
How to increase strength of a muscles?
To increase its strength (or relative maximum), must follow certain rules (improving intramuscular coordination and central nervous system, increase muscle size, etc ...).
To increase its strength (or relative maximum), must follow certain rules (improving intramuscular coordination and central nervous system, increase muscle size, etc ...).
At the level of force, two concepts exist:
- Maximum force;
- The relative strength.
The first is the maximum voltage that can exercise a muscle. The second depends on the weight of the practitioner, is the maximum voltage per kilogram of body weight.
Relative Strength:
To increase the relative strength is simple: to lose weight while maintaining strength. As seen above, the strength depends greatly on the size of the muscle , so it is not possible to be very thin and very strong. So there is a correlation between muscle size and strength, so the weight between the practitioner and strength. It is for this reason that in combat sports (boxing or judo type for example) the fighters are classified by weight.
To improve this ratio, we must have the highest volume possible with the muscular body weight as low as possible, and to do this, it is essential to be dry, that is to say, have little body fat. This fat is an unnecessary burden, all athletes classified by weight must seek to eliminate.
Maximum Force:
- Maximum force;
- The relative strength.
The first is the maximum voltage that can exercise a muscle. The second depends on the weight of the practitioner, is the maximum voltage per kilogram of body weight.
Relative Strength:
To increase the relative strength is simple: to lose weight while maintaining strength. As seen above, the strength depends greatly on the size of the muscle , so it is not possible to be very thin and very strong. So there is a correlation between muscle size and strength, so the weight between the practitioner and strength. It is for this reason that in combat sports (boxing or judo type for example) the fighters are classified by weight.
To improve this ratio, we must have the highest volume possible with the muscular body weight as low as possible, and to do this, it is essential to be dry, that is to say, have little body fat. This fat is an unnecessary burden, all athletes classified by weight must seek to eliminate.
Maximum Force:
The increase of the maximum force is possible in three ways:
- Improved coordination of intramuscular and central nervous system. This method increases the number of contracted muscle fibers and simultaneously improving muscle contraction of assistance that can help performance. This type of gain is realized by making workouts like Force , so using the big basic exercises and sets short and heavy (over 77% of your 1RM) for a brief and very intense work. It does little muscle gain, earnings were 90% nervous here.
- Increased muscle size. Mechanically, if the muscle size increases, the potential strength also increases (it is sufficient then to learn to tap this potential force). This increase in muscle size is the purpose of bodybuilding: hypertrophy is obtained with training based on longer runs, more and more small (between 60% and 77% of 1RM).
- A mixture of these two combinations: to play both ways, alternately.
Whatever the format used, we must realize one thing: the PTO follows a set pattern:
- Phase 1: Improvement of innervation, therefore the force increases as the CNS better use existing muscles: contraction better, use more fiber ... So there is here a pure PTO, no mass uptake. This is what happens often in the early workouts when doing weight training or training-type force. Once this adaptation is maximal, it is possible to gain strength this way, it then goes to phase2.
- Improved coordination of intramuscular and central nervous system. This method increases the number of contracted muscle fibers and simultaneously improving muscle contraction of assistance that can help performance. This type of gain is realized by making workouts like Force , so using the big basic exercises and sets short and heavy (over 77% of your 1RM) for a brief and very intense work. It does little muscle gain, earnings were 90% nervous here.
- Increased muscle size. Mechanically, if the muscle size increases, the potential strength also increases (it is sufficient then to learn to tap this potential force). This increase in muscle size is the purpose of bodybuilding: hypertrophy is obtained with training based on longer runs, more and more small (between 60% and 77% of 1RM).
- A mixture of these two combinations: to play both ways, alternately.
Whatever the format used, we must realize one thing: the PTO follows a set pattern:
- Phase 1: Improvement of innervation, therefore the force increases as the CNS better use existing muscles: contraction better, use more fiber ... So there is here a pure PTO, no mass uptake. This is what happens often in the early workouts when doing weight training or training-type force. Once this adaptation is maximal, it is possible to gain strength this way, it then goes to phase2.
- Phase 2: muscle hypertrophy: increased muscle size. Nervous when the gain is no longer possible, and provided that environmental permits (recovery, nutrition, ...), the body has no alternative but to grow muscles.
Immediate improvement of force: It is possible to produce a rapid but short of force, through the technique of potentiation or potentiation. This method is to lift a heavy weight (120% of the normal load), to make some movements with a very low amplitude. For example, to the bench, if you want to do your max to 100kg, 120kg lift a bar, to do just a few swings of 5-10cm of amplitude. Then rest the bar and wait 2 minutes and make your series. You will have more strength to your serial 100kg. This method helps stimulate the nervous system, which after lifting heavy is much more effective in your series. Caution, do not use each series, because this technique is exhausting mentally.
Immediate improvement of force: It is possible to produce a rapid but short of force, through the technique of potentiation or potentiation. This method is to lift a heavy weight (120% of the normal load), to make some movements with a very low amplitude. For example, to the bench, if you want to do your max to 100kg, 120kg lift a bar, to do just a few swings of 5-10cm of amplitude. Then rest the bar and wait 2 minutes and make your series. You will have more strength to your serial 100kg. This method helps stimulate the nervous system, which after lifting heavy is much more effective in your series. Caution, do not use each series, because this technique is exhausting mentally.
What is muscular strength?
Is the ability to produce maximum muscle tension.
Why is it important to improve muscle strength?
Is the ability to produce maximum muscle tension.
Why is it important to improve muscle strength?
It is extremely important, have you noticed the difference in the skin for example in a 8 year old a 40 and a man of 70?
Well, with age the skin is loose, it tends to generate fat and lose tone, that's what you see on the outside skin, muscles can you imagine? Yes, just as they lose strength, which could result in 70 years when they can not get a cup of water because the pitcher is very heavy, or perhaps unable to stand on a chair, I am not exaggerating, if people who do not exercise could know all the good you do exercise in a proper way, believe the numbers would increase significantly. In addition to the development of our muscles so that we become stronger our routine life takes place in a better way, for example: if a child is going to fall, I have the reflexes and strength to get to it easier and faster, the exercise of power and oxygen causes the bones to strengthen as well. Frequent and tailored training delays force and prevents aging.
On the other hand, the effects of strength training on the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases linked to sedentary lifestyle have been less studied than the effects of aerobic endurance training, however, the results of several studies suggest that strength training sample is accompanied by a decrease in body fat and risk of type II diabetes, as well as a lower risk of developing osteoporosis or suffering from backache.
What are the main types of strength exercises recommended?
Stimulating the muscles involved in major movements of daily life, including the muscles involved in knee extension, to rise from a chair or bed. That extend and flex the elbows, to transport heavy objects. Which prevent or delay the onset of neck and back pain. Those who maintain proper posture.
The muscle strength along with endurance are the qualities that can be developed through proper training regardless of external appearance and structural, ie, inherited or acquired character. The weight training is unique in a short period of training is achieved amazing results in improving the quality of strength. Scientific studies have shown that increased overall strength facilitates the learning of new motor skills.
On the other hand, the effects of strength training on the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases linked to sedentary lifestyle have been less studied than the effects of aerobic endurance training, however, the results of several studies suggest that strength training sample is accompanied by a decrease in body fat and risk of type II diabetes, as well as a lower risk of developing osteoporosis or suffering from backache.
What are the main types of strength exercises recommended?
Stimulating the muscles involved in major movements of daily life, including the muscles involved in knee extension, to rise from a chair or bed. That extend and flex the elbows, to transport heavy objects. Which prevent or delay the onset of neck and back pain. Those who maintain proper posture.
The muscle strength along with endurance are the qualities that can be developed through proper training regardless of external appearance and structural, ie, inherited or acquired character. The weight training is unique in a short period of training is achieved amazing results in improving the quality of strength. Scientific studies have shown that increased overall strength facilitates the learning of new motor skills.
Unfortunately we still see today in many gyms as weight training early shortening the muscles, leading to shin splints, numb muscles and reduce flexibility and speed, this happens when loading a lot of weight and pull with great force dropping for example working a bicep curl with a 3 kg dumbbell arm to close the explosive and return to point of origin without any resistance, this causes the muscle develops only inward, is shortened and so does Some people can not extend his elbow.
muscle strength in men is an indispensable necessity for the maintenance of posture and performance of a life in motion.
It is now known that the development of muscle strength, as any other quality, depends on the magnitude of the requirement in the unit of time, which is what determines the intensity of stimulus, and with it the muscle tension. According to this physiological principle that the voltage is low due to low resistance to overcome, does not increase muscle strength. Only use loads is achieved successive biochemical transformations that occur in the muscle. The weight that a particular muscle is capable of winning in each case determine the intensity of the stimulus is applied. Importantly, the muscle will increase depending on the load physically using, if you want to dial or tone without causing hypertrophy (the muscle to look great), you can do, but the fact does not mean load will hypertrophy, is how food is made and to be carried out to make or grow a muscle.
muscle strength in men is an indispensable necessity for the maintenance of posture and performance of a life in motion.
It is now known that the development of muscle strength, as any other quality, depends on the magnitude of the requirement in the unit of time, which is what determines the intensity of stimulus, and with it the muscle tension. According to this physiological principle that the voltage is low due to low resistance to overcome, does not increase muscle strength. Only use loads is achieved successive biochemical transformations that occur in the muscle. The weight that a particular muscle is capable of winning in each case determine the intensity of the stimulus is applied. Importantly, the muscle will increase depending on the load physically using, if you want to dial or tone without causing hypertrophy (the muscle to look great), you can do, but the fact does not mean load will hypertrophy, is how food is made and to be carried out to make or grow a muscle.
How to improve muscle strength
How to improve muscle strength?
Although the increase in aerobic capacity and carries a certain increase in strength, this is small, especially in the upper body. It is therefore necessary to develop this capability activities specifically at least 3 times a week. Generally, to increase muscle mass is necessary to make resistance exercises or lifting weights. To work the major muscle groups (legs, arms, abdomen, upper body) is convenient to choose different exercises.
How to work and develop muscle strength?
Strength training versus bodybuilding
Many people, especially women, worry that strength training can make them look muscular. However, although it is possible to build muscle through weight work, if it is done with more repetitions and less weight can be achieved strength and tone increase in muscle mass.
Those who work regularly with weights frequently mention the muscular burning sensation you feel when the muscles are to the point of absolute fatigue, or what is, to limit their ability to work. While the work after reaching this point will produce an additional benefit, the consequences of increased muscle pain the next day and increased risk of possible injury to overcome muscular capacity.
How to include the work force at its daily
Although aerobic training sessions are not specifically designed to improve strength, may include some changes with surprising results.
Walking: include slopes and long series of steps 1 or 2 days a week. Try mountain roads or up and down and carrying a backpack from 5 to 10 kg.
Field run up and down stairs or the strength helps increase substantially. Race circuits including seasons dominated or abdominal to help improve the strength of the upper body.
The slopes are very good but be careful not to take too much development (slow pedaling cadence) that can damage the knees. With the mountain bike, the roads often force stand on the pedals help to develop both the strength of the arms and upper body and legs.
Basic rules for injury prevention
Do not overtrain. Like any other type of physical activity strength training should be done gradually. Reduced or not further increase the load if you feel unwell during or after a workout. Only increase the workload (weight or reps) when I noticed that it does not fatigue with which it is made. When using the machines seek advice from someone experienced. If a gym that is the monitor of the weight room that teach you how to use machines with proper technique and to set the charges on both the principle and when to increase them. If you intend to lift heavy loads with free weights, always with someone who can help if the load is too heavy. Your muscles and joints are more vulnerable to injury if they have to bear an excessive burden when they are fatigued.
Muscle strength is required to perform daily living activities with less discomfort and risk of injury. Age, especially after the 2 nd half of life, and lack of exercise also act together to reduce the strength and muscle mass. Even those individuals stronger, slowly and imperceptibly may find themselves too weak to perform routine tasks in the last decades of his life. The effort to develop and maintain muscle strength in the present, will be rewarded to ensure the ability to live independently and normal in the future.
The strength training also increases:
The strength training also increases:
- Bone mineral density
- Lean mass ,The strength of the connective tissues
Although the increase in aerobic capacity and carries a certain increase in strength, this is small, especially in the upper body. It is therefore necessary to develop this capability activities specifically at least 3 times a week. Generally, to increase muscle mass is necessary to make resistance exercises or lifting weights. To work the major muscle groups (legs, arms, abdomen, upper body) is convenient to choose different exercises.
How to work and develop muscle strength?
The muscles must work against a resistance greater than that faced in their daily activities. Free weights can be more or less heavy machinery or other equipment to work specific muscle groups. Also can improve strength through exercises using own body weight and gravity: abdominal, backgrounds, dominated, leg lifts.
The muscles must work against a resistance greater than that faced in their daily activities. Free weights can be more or less heavy machinery or other equipment to work specific muscle groups. Also can improve strength through exercises using own body weight and gravity: abdominal, backgrounds, dominated, leg lifts.
The action should be repeated enough times to produce muscle fatigue.
The action should be repeated enough times to produce muscle fatigue.
Intensity is close to maximum force which develops more rapidly. You can change the intensity by varying the weight, number of repetitions, and / or time of rest between sets. Strength is improved by increasing the weight and strength with the number of repetitions. Care must be taken to avoid making too much work to prevent muscle soreness or injury. In his last position on the quantity and quality of exercise recommended for healthy adults, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends:
Intensity is close to maximum force which develops more rapidly. You can change the intensity by varying the weight, number of repetitions, and / or time of rest between sets. Strength is improved by increasing the weight and strength with the number of repetitions. Care must be taken to avoid making too much work to prevent muscle soreness or injury. In his last position on the quantity and quality of exercise recommended for healthy adults, the American College of Sports Medicine recommends:
- A circuit 8-10 exercises involving major muscle groups
- Although one set of each exercise can be enough to get to 2 or 3 progressive, if time permits provide greater benefits.
- Perform 8 to 12 repetitions (10-15 in age 50-60 years) of each of these exercises to the point of fatigue.
- . Do strength training 2 to 3 days per week.
- Use the proper technique for each of them.
- Do the exercises using the full joint arch for each muscle group. 7. The movements must be gentle, moderate to slow speed and maintaining control of both the lift and to lower the weight.
- Maintain a normal breathing during each repetition.
- Try to match a partner in the work sessions for encouragement and help.
Strength training versus bodybuilding
Many people, especially women, worry that strength training can make them look muscular. However, although it is possible to build muscle through weight work, if it is done with more repetitions and less weight can be achieved strength and tone increase in muscle mass.
Those who work regularly with weights frequently mention the muscular burning sensation you feel when the muscles are to the point of absolute fatigue, or what is, to limit their ability to work. While the work after reaching this point will produce an additional benefit, the consequences of increased muscle pain the next day and increased risk of possible injury to overcome muscular capacity.
How to include the work force at its daily
Although aerobic training sessions are not specifically designed to improve strength, may include some changes with surprising results.
Field run up and down stairs or the strength helps increase substantially. Race circuits including seasons dominated or abdominal to help improve the strength of the upper body.
The slopes are very good but be careful not to take too much development (slow pedaling cadence) that can damage the knees. With the mountain bike, the roads often force stand on the pedals help to develop both the strength of the arms and upper body and legs.
Basic rules for injury prevention
John Cena Biography
John Cena Biography
Maybe no WWE Superstar can relate to the fans quite like SmackDown!'s John Cena.
After all, before john Cena became a household name in sports-entertainment, before he became an accomplished rapper and before he grabbed the leading role in a major motion picture, he was a WWE fan.
Cena came to live events, created home made signs and even collected WWE action figures. All in hope of one day performing in the ring himself.
And Cena's dream came through in resounding fashion at WrestleMania 21 when he defeated JBL for the WWE Championship. In the Staples Center, the same arena where he watched so many matches as a fan, Cena won the WWE Championship.
A former football star at Springfield College, Cena was addicted to training and music growing up. After a successful bodybuilding career, he began his wrestling journey not long after he left college. The rest is history.
Now, his superior physique and impressive mic skills make him one of the top young Superstars on SmackDown!
But Cena can do more than look good and drop a smooth rhyme. He's also an accomplished WWE competitor, despite making his debut less than three years ago.
Cena is a multi-time United States Champion. He began his first reign in amazing fashion by defeating Big Show at WrestleMania XX.
In June of 2002, Cena had one of the more memorable debuts in SmackDown! history. After Kurt Angle challenged anyone backstage to a match, Cena, a young wrestler looking for a big break, made his way to the ring.
Angle would win that match, but Cena took him to the brink, impressing everyone in attendance that night, including the entire SmackDown! roster. In his relatively short time with WWE, Cena has already built up quite a resume.
By April of 2003, Cena was already in his first pay-per-view main event, battling Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship at Backlash.
He defended his United States Championship in a thrilling best-of-five series with Booker T in the fall of 2004. In the 2005 Royal Rumble, Cena was the last Superstar to be eliminated, as RAW's Batista went on to emerge victorious.
Most recently, at No Way Out, Cena defeated Angle in the final of the No. 1 Contender's Tournament, landing Cena a spot opposite JBL for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 21.
Through all of his success, Cena has never forgotten his roots, which began in the bleachers watching the likes of Hollywood Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart.
He refers to his fans as members of his "Chain Gang." Together, he figures, they can't lose. And so far, the combination of their support and his talent, have made John Cena one of the top Superstars around.
Maybe no WWE Superstar can relate to the fans quite like SmackDown!'s John Cena.
After all, before john Cena became a household name in sports-entertainment, before he became an accomplished rapper and before he grabbed the leading role in a major motion picture, he was a WWE fan.
Cena came to live events, created home made signs and even collected WWE action figures. All in hope of one day performing in the ring himself.
And Cena's dream came through in resounding fashion at WrestleMania 21 when he defeated JBL for the WWE Championship. In the Staples Center, the same arena where he watched so many matches as a fan, Cena won the WWE Championship.
A former football star at Springfield College, Cena was addicted to training and music growing up. After a successful bodybuilding career, he began his wrestling journey not long after he left college. The rest is history.
Now, his superior physique and impressive mic skills make him one of the top young Superstars on SmackDown!
But Cena can do more than look good and drop a smooth rhyme. He's also an accomplished WWE competitor, despite making his debut less than three years ago.
Cena is a multi-time United States Champion. He began his first reign in amazing fashion by defeating Big Show at WrestleMania XX.
In June of 2002, Cena had one of the more memorable debuts in SmackDown! history. After Kurt Angle challenged anyone backstage to a match, Cena, a young wrestler looking for a big break, made his way to the ring.
Angle would win that match, but Cena took him to the brink, impressing everyone in attendance that night, including the entire SmackDown! roster. In his relatively short time with WWE, Cena has already built up quite a resume.
By April of 2003, Cena was already in his first pay-per-view main event, battling Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship at Backlash.
He defended his United States Championship in a thrilling best-of-five series with Booker T in the fall of 2004. In the 2005 Royal Rumble, Cena was the last Superstar to be eliminated, as RAW's Batista went on to emerge victorious.
Most recently, at No Way Out, Cena defeated Angle in the final of the No. 1 Contender's Tournament, landing Cena a spot opposite JBL for the WWE Championship at WrestleMania 21.
Through all of his success, Cena has never forgotten his roots, which began in the bleachers watching the likes of Hollywood Hogan, Ultimate Warrior, Shawn Michaels and Bret Hart.
He refers to his fans as members of his "Chain Gang." Together, he figures, they can't lose. And so far, the combination of their support and his talent, have made John Cena one of the top Superstars around.
Natural bodybuilding steroids
Natural bodybuilding steroids: mesocycle strength
The first thing to emphasize is that if the pure strength is important in bodybuilding in general, in the natural and even essential.
The cross section of the muscle is proportional to the force and therefore more load is used (always within the terms of the correct execution of the exercise) and the more you tend to put on lean muscle mass.
The cross section of the muscle is proportional to the force and therefore more load is used (always within the terms of the correct execution of the exercise) and the more you tend to put on lean muscle mass.
This is a rule that you must always keep in mind, do not be fooled by articles or seminars of the lucky genetic monsters who claim not to particular courses of strength.
They say it because they never needed them since, besides being naturally gifted, have always held high through cycles and cycles of anabolic steroids .
But the most natural, not having this gene and not taking medications, she is forced to consistently mesocycle of strength, as this is the only way to increase it.
We have said that force is directly proportional to the cross section of the muscle, therefore, suppose you have a muscle with a diameter of 7.5 cm, thus having a section area of 44.12 square cm.
As we shall see later, with some mesocycle of pure strength, you can get in some musclestrength increases to 50% in just two months.
Now, as there is a direct proportionality between the increase of the transverse and strength, we conclude that our muscle's surface has increased by 50%, which is now 66.18 square cm.
Moreover, the work force also improves the so-called intermuscular coordination, which is the ability to achieve greater synergy between the main agonist muscles and muscle chains complementary. In the horizontal bench , for example, the agonist muscle is the pectoralis major, but working with it so important to have the deltoid and triceps. The regular work with big loads optimize this synergy, increasing the efficiency of the nervous system and thus improve performance.
The strength of the steroid is natural, because it is the only variable that can increase the intensity equal to an increase in other components of quality of training. In fact, the intensity of bodybuilding workout can be increased with several basic precautions :
E 'but that's easy to see sets, reps, exercises, sessions, and recovery times can be changed up to a certain point, because you can not get out from the outer fringe of training for the'hypertrophy / hyperplasia . The only way to achieve results and raise the intensity is the gradual increase of load, the loads themselves lasted for years never lead to an increase in muscle. So the force is the only thing that can and should be increased to a greater stimulus muscle.
The intensity formula is: I = (repetitions x kg) / time
If you have a limit of 120kg and you have to do 3 sets of 8 reps with a pause of one minute and a half, you will have calculated that with 75% of the maximum you will get about 8 reps:
Intensity = (90x24) / 90 = 24
If after the period of pure force have increased the limit to 140kg and try to make the given year with the same variables, changing only the weight that is 75% of the new ceiling , you will:
Intensity = (105x24) / 90 = 28
The training intensity is increased by 4 points, significantly boosting your workouts and opening new avenues for muscle growth.
There are athletes who for years are still always on the same weights, perhaps convinced that their ceilings are impassable. The program of pure strength raises the ceilings with a percentage, which varies from person to person, between 10 and 18%, giving great motivation for these individuals and a devastating psychological charge.
The work force is based on a few years, the average total volume of work, long pauses and sessions very rarefied.
Think about that many times in some subjects, especially when equipped with long lever, the shift from a traditional training to a workout with sub-maximal loads, also causes a marked increase of muscle mass on average 2-3kg.
This phenomenon is most likely due to the shock induced by the different body approach to the intensity and greater recovery of force given by the program.
For the structure, at this stage of training will be adopted only basic exercises, which stimulate so important to the neuro-muscular system and that will be used in the rest of the annual.
The frequency of sessions to be decided according to your personal resilience.
Normally we alternate between three tables three times a week, ending the cycle in 7 days, but if you practice other sports, or carry a heavy work, you can workout even 2 times a week, so you can have an adequate recovery.
Before undertaking this exercise, which in BIIO corresponds to the third mesocycle, calculatedly 90% of the ceiling (with a single lift maximum weight allowance) based on the exercises.
So we will go to make a 6 x 90% ceiling.
For each set you do all the repetitions that come with just 90% of the ceiling, the last coming in muscle failure .
On average, come out from 4 to 2 reps, with a time of recovery that goes on around 3-4 minutes to reload all the creatine of the muscles.
In the second week, leaving the same weight as the previous session, the tuition will increase by a repeat on each series, if you ever quite recovered.
This is a training bomb your nervous system and will adapt to the heavy submaximal weights.
They say it because they never needed them since, besides being naturally gifted, have always held high through cycles and cycles of anabolic steroids .
But the most natural, not having this gene and not taking medications, she is forced to consistently mesocycle of strength, as this is the only way to increase it.
We have said that force is directly proportional to the cross section of the muscle, therefore, suppose you have a muscle with a diameter of 7.5 cm, thus having a section area of 44.12 square cm.
As we shall see later, with some mesocycle of pure strength, you can get in some musclestrength increases to 50% in just two months.
Now, as there is a direct proportionality between the increase of the transverse and strength, we conclude that our muscle's surface has increased by 50%, which is now 66.18 square cm.
Moreover, the work force also improves the so-called intermuscular coordination, which is the ability to achieve greater synergy between the main agonist muscles and muscle chains complementary. In the horizontal bench , for example, the agonist muscle is the pectoralis major, but working with it so important to have the deltoid and triceps. The regular work with big loads optimize this synergy, increasing the efficiency of the nervous system and thus improve performance.
The strength of the steroid is natural, because it is the only variable that can increase the intensity equal to an increase in other components of quality of training. In fact, the intensity of bodybuilding workout can be increased with several basic precautions :
- Increase of sets.
- Increase the repetitions.
- Weight gain
- Increase exercise
- Decreased recovery time
- Increase of seats
E 'but that's easy to see sets, reps, exercises, sessions, and recovery times can be changed up to a certain point, because you can not get out from the outer fringe of training for the'hypertrophy / hyperplasia . The only way to achieve results and raise the intensity is the gradual increase of load, the loads themselves lasted for years never lead to an increase in muscle. So the force is the only thing that can and should be increased to a greater stimulus muscle.
The intensity formula is: I = (repetitions x kg) / time
If you have a limit of 120kg and you have to do 3 sets of 8 reps with a pause of one minute and a half, you will have calculated that with 75% of the maximum you will get about 8 reps:
Intensity = (90x24) / 90 = 24
If after the period of pure force have increased the limit to 140kg and try to make the given year with the same variables, changing only the weight that is 75% of the new ceiling , you will:
Intensity = (105x24) / 90 = 28
The training intensity is increased by 4 points, significantly boosting your workouts and opening new avenues for muscle growth.
There are athletes who for years are still always on the same weights, perhaps convinced that their ceilings are impassable. The program of pure strength raises the ceilings with a percentage, which varies from person to person, between 10 and 18%, giving great motivation for these individuals and a devastating psychological charge.
The work force is based on a few years, the average total volume of work, long pauses and sessions very rarefied.
Think about that many times in some subjects, especially when equipped with long lever, the shift from a traditional training to a workout with sub-maximal loads, also causes a marked increase of muscle mass on average 2-3kg.
This phenomenon is most likely due to the shock induced by the different body approach to the intensity and greater recovery of force given by the program.
For the structure, at this stage of training will be adopted only basic exercises, which stimulate so important to the neuro-muscular system and that will be used in the rest of the annual.
The frequency of sessions to be decided according to your personal resilience.
Normally we alternate between three tables three times a week, ending the cycle in 7 days, but if you practice other sports, or carry a heavy work, you can workout even 2 times a week, so you can have an adequate recovery.
Before undertaking this exercise, which in BIIO corresponds to the third mesocycle, calculatedly 90% of the ceiling (with a single lift maximum weight allowance) based on the exercises.
So we will go to make a 6 x 90% ceiling.
For each set you do all the repetitions that come with just 90% of the ceiling, the last coming in muscle failure .
On average, come out from 4 to 2 reps, with a time of recovery that goes on around 3-4 minutes to reload all the creatine of the muscles.
In the second week, leaving the same weight as the previous session, the tuition will increase by a repeat on each series, if you ever quite recovered.
This is a training bomb your nervous system and will adapt to the heavy submaximal weights.
Steroids & Blood Doping on Steroids
Steroids & Blood Doping on Steroids
One of the ways athletes can improve their performance is by blood boosting. Blood boosting has been around for about 40 years and has been widely abused by athletes. But because of the secrecy surrounding it, not many people are aware of it. Unlike anabolic steroids which are eaten or injected, blood boosting entails a lot more. The technique of blood doping requires the help of health care professionals. Blood boosting is essentially the administration of blood or blood products to an athlete to boost performance. Alternative names for blood boosting are blood doping or blood packing. In the world of sports, blood boosting is illegal and is banned. Many athletes in the past have used this technique to boost their performance. The technique is extremely hard to detect but the Sporting agencies are developing newer methods to screen for this practice.
How it is done
The process of blood boosting involves removing blood from the athlete. The blood is then stored for 6-8 weeks. The athlete continues to train with the decreased amount of blood in the body. Over the coming 2-3 weeks, the athlete then rebuilds the blood which was removed. Just before a sports event, the removed blood is hyper oxygenated and given back to the athlete. The athlete is now hyper loaded with fresh red blood cells. This increased in red blood cells results in more oxygen and a greater ability to perform. A variant of this procedure is to receive a blood transfusion from an unknown donor just before a sporting event. However, donated blood also possesses risk of infections and allergic reactions.
The amount of blood removed from the athlete varies from 1-3 units (each unit is about 450 cc). The blood is spun and the plasma is separated from the red blood cells. The red blood cells are stored in the cold and then reinfused back in the body just a few days before a sporting event. When done in a proper way, this can increase the red cell count by another 20%.
Problems with Blood Doping
One of the ways athletes can improve their performance is by blood boosting. Blood boosting has been around for about 40 years and has been widely abused by athletes. But because of the secrecy surrounding it, not many people are aware of it. Unlike anabolic steroids which are eaten or injected, blood boosting entails a lot more. The technique of blood doping requires the help of health care professionals. Blood boosting is essentially the administration of blood or blood products to an athlete to boost performance. Alternative names for blood boosting are blood doping or blood packing. In the world of sports, blood boosting is illegal and is banned. Many athletes in the past have used this technique to boost their performance. The technique is extremely hard to detect but the Sporting agencies are developing newer methods to screen for this practice.
How it is done
The process of blood boosting involves removing blood from the athlete. The blood is then stored for 6-8 weeks. The athlete continues to train with the decreased amount of blood in the body. Over the coming 2-3 weeks, the athlete then rebuilds the blood which was removed. Just before a sports event, the removed blood is hyper oxygenated and given back to the athlete. The athlete is now hyper loaded with fresh red blood cells. This increased in red blood cells results in more oxygen and a greater ability to perform. A variant of this procedure is to receive a blood transfusion from an unknown donor just before a sporting event. However, donated blood also possesses risk of infections and allergic reactions.
The amount of blood removed from the athlete varies from 1-3 units (each unit is about 450 cc). The blood is spun and the plasma is separated from the red blood cells. The red blood cells are stored in the cold and then reinfused back in the body just a few days before a sporting event. When done in a proper way, this can increase the red cell count by another 20%.
Problems with Blood Doping
The process of blood doping has to be carried out in a medical facility to maintain sterility. Blood transfusion can be done at home but the risks of infection are very high. Many athletes believe that the more the red blood cells, the better it is. However, this is not how the body works. Definitely, more blood is better but only to a certain degree. The majority of medical problems associated with blood doping are related to the increased viscosity due to the increased number of red blood cells. What the athletes forget is that during exercise, one dehydrates and thus the extra red blood cells now start to plug up all the blood vessels. This can be dangerous and there have been many reports of strokes.
The other medical problems include:
Because of these side effects and complications, blood doping is not encouraged.
Blood doping and sports
The other medical problems include:
- Phlebitis
- blood clots
- heart attacks
- allergic reactions
- Infections like Hepatiis, AIDS and CMV have also been reported
Because of these side effects and complications, blood doping is not encouraged.
Blood doping and sports
There is no doubt that blood doping can increase athletic performance because of steroids. Today, the Olympic and sporting agencies discourage blood doping and consider it unfair. As of today, trying to detect blood doping has not been fruitful. There are no fool proof tests to check an athlete for blood doping.
A recent variation along the same lines of blood doping has been developed at the University of Colorado. Igor Gamow has developed a sleep chamber that mimics reduced air pressure seen at high altitude and thus, the body stimulates the production of red blood cells. This enables the athlete to train at sea level and have the same fitness advantage as an athlete that is living at high altitude. Work from Colorado indicates that if one sleeps in the chamber 6-8 hours a day for 2-3 weeks, the hemoglobin concentration can increase by more than 23%. This type of holistic Doping is considered legal safe and natural.
Conclusion For the time being blood doping remains controversial in sports medicine. While illegal, blood doping still is not detectable by any tests that we have so far. While the procedure does provide benefit to the athletes, there are also some dangerous risks associated with the procedure. However, with the no win attitude and the lure of big money in sports, most athletes will go to any extreme to increase their performance.
A recent variation along the same lines of blood doping has been developed at the University of Colorado. Igor Gamow has developed a sleep chamber that mimics reduced air pressure seen at high altitude and thus, the body stimulates the production of red blood cells. This enables the athlete to train at sea level and have the same fitness advantage as an athlete that is living at high altitude. Work from Colorado indicates that if one sleeps in the chamber 6-8 hours a day for 2-3 weeks, the hemoglobin concentration can increase by more than 23%. This type of holistic Doping is considered legal safe and natural.
Conclusion For the time being blood doping remains controversial in sports medicine. While illegal, blood doping still is not detectable by any tests that we have so far. While the procedure does provide benefit to the athletes, there are also some dangerous risks associated with the procedure. However, with the no win attitude and the lure of big money in sports, most athletes will go to any extreme to increase their performance.
Injectable Steroids on Steroids
Injectable Steroids on Steroids
Anabolic steroids come in oil based formulations. All anabolic steroids have a basic cholesterol-like structure and thus do not dissolve in water. While there are some water based formulations, the majority of anabolic steroids sold in cyberspace come in oil formulations. There are several benefits of having the formulation in oil. Once injected the active drug is slowly released over time and thus a constant level in the blood is maintained. Oil depots usually stay where they are injected and are less likely to disappear in the surrounding tissues. Intramuscular injections (IM) do not have to be performed everyday but 1-2 times a week or even longer. When the drug has to be injected intramuscularly, this means you have to inject it into the muscles and not simply underneath the skin. The drug when injected in the muscle forms a depot. If the drug is simply injected underneath the skin, it will not only be painful but will form a large swelling and the results can be unpredictable. Further, subcutaneous injections of oily formulations can also lead to skin breakdown. The most common sites of intramuscular injections are the buttocks, outside of the thigh or upper arm.
Buttock injections
Buttock IM injections are usually done by a colleague or a friend. If one looks at the buttock, the injections must be done on the upper and outer quadrant of the buttock. This is vital because anywhere else, and you risk injuring the major sciatic nerve. When the injection is done elsewhere, injury to the sciatic nerve can occur and remains painful for a long time. For the intramuscular injection, one should either lie down on the stomach or stand up with the body leaning forward. The buttock area should be cleansed with an alcohol wipe and in one swift motion the needle is inserted at a 90 degree angle. Never inject immediately after you have penetrated into the muscle. Always aspirate slightly on the plunger. The reason for this is to prevent accidental injection into a blood vessel. If upon aspiration you get blood in the syringe, remove the needle and go more laterally and superior (outside and upwards). One the injection is done, pull the needle and gently massage the area with the fingers. A few seconds of pressure is all that is required.
After each steroid injection, the needle and the syringe should be disposed in a biohazard container.
Figure showing injection into the buttock muscle
Buttock injections
Buttock IM injections are usually done by a colleague or a friend. If one looks at the buttock, the injections must be done on the upper and outer quadrant of the buttock. This is vital because anywhere else, and you risk injuring the major sciatic nerve. When the injection is done elsewhere, injury to the sciatic nerve can occur and remains painful for a long time. For the intramuscular injection, one should either lie down on the stomach or stand up with the body leaning forward. The buttock area should be cleansed with an alcohol wipe and in one swift motion the needle is inserted at a 90 degree angle. Never inject immediately after you have penetrated into the muscle. Always aspirate slightly on the plunger. The reason for this is to prevent accidental injection into a blood vessel. If upon aspiration you get blood in the syringe, remove the needle and go more laterally and superior (outside and upwards). One the injection is done, pull the needle and gently massage the area with the fingers. A few seconds of pressure is all that is required.
After each steroid injection, the needle and the syringe should be disposed in a biohazard container.
Figure showing injection into the buttock muscle
In the below figure, one can see the area of injection. If the needle is aimed lower or more inside the buttocks, you risk injury to the sciatic nerve.
Deltoid injections
Deltoid injections
Some people prefer to inject the drug in the upper arm. On the lateral aspect of the arm, one can inject into the deltoid muscle. Unlike the buttocks, the volume of drug injected is quite small, in most cases it is less than 1 ml. The injection can be done by first feeling for the shoulder bone on the side of the arm. Then one can grab the muscle and directly aim the injection into the muscle. Once the needle is inserted, always aspirate slightly to ensure that the needle is not inside a blood vessel. After injection, pull the needle out and gently massage the area for a few seconds. For large volumes the deltoid is not a great place to inject. Further repeated injections into the arm can cause pain. Figure showing area of injection into the upper arm.
Outside of thigh
Outside of thigh
Outside the thigh is another area where one can inject anabolic steroids. This can be done in the seating position. It is vital that the injection be made on the outside on the thigh. Identify the lateral muscle, clean the area and inject at right angle. Always aspirate first before injection. If there is no blood then one can safely inject. No IM injections should be done anywhere else on the leg or thigh. There are vital nerves and large blood vessels on the inside of the thigh.
Steroids and women bodybuilders effects
Steroids and women bodybuilders effects
There is now wide acceptance of women in the field of sports. Nowadays, it is commonplace to find women engaged in such sports like bodybuilding. As such, it is also commonplace to hear women bodybuilders using steroids to enhance their physique.It is known that steroids are pervasively used in bodybuilding. Bodybuilders, both men and women, not only engage in intense bodybuilding training and strict diet but also resort to steroid use.
What are the effects of steroids on women bodybuilders?
There is now wide acceptance of women in the field of sports. Nowadays, it is commonplace to find women engaged in such sports like bodybuilding. As such, it is also commonplace to hear women bodybuilders using steroids to enhance their physique.It is known that steroids are pervasively used in bodybuilding. Bodybuilders, both men and women, not only engage in intense bodybuilding training and strict diet but also resort to steroid use.
What are the effects of steroids on women bodybuilders?
- You can browse through bodybuilding magazines to see pictures of women bodybuilders.
- The pictures clearly indicate the effects of steroids on women bodybuilders.
- When women bodybuilders use steroids, they lose the natural curves associated with women – women bodybuilders will resemble the physique of men.
- This is because steroids are derived from testosterone, the hormone responsible for the growth of male secondary sexually characteristics in men.
- So, you can picture what will women bodybuilders look like when they use steroids.
- The masculinization effects of steroids on women include lowering or deepening of voice, hirsutism, as well as male pattern baldness.
- Women bodybuilders may also experience steroid side effects that cannot be seen in pictures – these are the adverse reactions that occur inside the body, which are far more risky than the visible side effects.
High death rate lingers behind fun facade of pro wrestling due to intake of steroid
Mike "Road Warrior Hawk" Hegstrand died from an enlarged heart caused by high blood pressure at 46. Mike "Crash Holly" Lockwood died from what a medical examiner ruled a suicide at 32. A lethal combination of painkillers was found in his system.
Former pro wrestler Del Wilkes shed his mask after a career that lasted 12 years.
Mike Lozanski died from what his family says was a lung infection at 35. His relatives are awaiting an autopsy report.
All died in the last five months. All were professional wrestlers with bulging muscles on sculpted bodies. The deaths received little notice beyond obituaries in small newspapers and on wrestling Web sites, typical of the fringe status of the $500 million industry.
Yet their deaths underscore the troubling fact that despite some attempts to clean up an industry sold on size, stamina and theatrics, wrestlers die young at a staggering rate. Since 1997, about 1,000 wrestlers 45 and younger have worked on pro wrestling circuits worldwide, wrestling officials estimate.
examination of medical documents, autopsies and police reports, along with interviews with family members and news accounts, shows that at least 65 wrestlers died in that time, 25 from heart attacks or other coronary problems — an extraordinarily high rate for people that young, medical officials say. Many had enlarged hearts.
Illegal steroid use in professional sports has gained plenty of attention: President Bush in his State of the Union address in January urged athletes and professional sports leagues to stop steroid use, and a federal grand jury has been investigating Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative.
However, it is pro wrestling where the problem appears to be the most pervasive and deadly. In five of the 25 deaths, medical examiners concluded that steroids might have played a role. Excessive steroid use can lead to an enlarged heart. In 12 others, examiners in medical reports cited evidence of use of painkillers, cocaine and other drugs.
The widespread use of drugs and the deaths associated with it raise questions about a largely unregulated business that is watched on TV and in arenas by an estimated 20 million fans a week, including children. Those fans will tune in Sunday for the industry's biggest event, WrestleMania XX.
Fifteen current and former wrestlers interviewed by USA TODAY say they willingly bulked up on anabolic steroids, which they call "juice," to look the part and took pain pills so they could perform four to five nights a week despite injuries. Some admit to use of human-growth hormones, a muscle-building compound even more powerful and dangerous than steroids. And many say they used recreational drugs.
"I experienced what we in the profession call the silent scream" of pain, drugs and loneliness, says wrestling legend "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, 49, who has been in the business more than 30 years. "You're in your hotel room. You're banged up, numb and alone. You don't want to go downstairs to the bar or restaurant. The walls are breathing. You don't want to talk. Panic sets in and you start weeping. It's something all of us go through."
Scott "Raven" Levy, 39, says he used steroids and more than 200 pain pills daily before he kicked the habit a few years ago. "It's part of the job," Levy says. "If you want to be a wrestler, you have to be a big guy, and you have to perform in pain. If you choose to do neither, pick another profession."
The costs are high. Wrestlers have death rates about seven times higher than the general U.S. population, says Keith Pinckard, a medical examiner in Dallas who has followed wrestling fatalities. They are 12 times more likely to die from heart disease than other Americans 25 to 44, he adds. And USA TODAY research shows that wrestlers are about 20 times more likely to die before 45 than are pro football players, another profession that's exceptionally hard on the body.Some wrestlers bet among themselves on who will die next, says Mike Lano, a former wrestling manager and promoter.
Steroids-ingrained culture
Unlike amateur wrestling, which is a competitive sport in high school and college, pro wrestling combines sports, stunts and storytelling. The results are scripted.Pro wrestling does not test for performance-enhancing drugs such as steroids. Nor are they banned by wrestling organizations as they are in pro football, basketball and baseball.That is one reason, wrestlers and industry watchers say, that use of steroids and other drugs in pro wrestling has gone largely unchecked. It also has been ingrained in the culture for decades. Several of wrestling's biggest names, including Hulk Hogan and former Minnesota governor Jesse "The Body" Ventura, years ago acknowledged using bodybuilding drugs.
"There was a joke: If you did not test positive for steroids, you were fired," former wrestler and broadcaster Bruno Sammartino told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in 1991.
"That's a cop-out," says Vince McMahon, head of wrestling's biggest organization, World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). "These guys took steroids because they wanted to.
Del Wilkes, during his stint with the WWF wrestling as "The Patriot."
"Because we are the most visible organization, we get the black eye," adds McMahon, noting that only two of the 65 deceased wrestlers died while working for his company. "It is alarming whenever young people pass away from these insidious causes, but you can't help someone if they don't want to help themselves."
Piper says he lived on a steady diet of muscle builders and painkillers for more than two decades.
The amateur boxer and wrestler left home in Canada at 13. A promoter noticed his "mean streak" and paid him $25 to fight the legendary Larry "The Axe" Hennig in Winnipeg. Piper made a lasting impression with his entrance: Clad in a kilt, he ambled to the ring as his bagpipe band played. Hennig pinned the 15-year-old in 10 seconds, the shortest of Piper's 7,000 matches, but Piper quickly was assigned to shows in Kansas City, Montreal and Texas.Soon Piper had become one of the industry's best-known villains. By the mid-1980s, he was the foil to Hogan, the WWF's golden boy. Wrestling had become a pop-culture phenomenon. Both moonlighted as movie and TV stars, had their own action figures and hobnobbed with celebrities.Even so, Piper never forgot what he heard as a penniless teenager. "A promoter said to me, 'If you die, kid, die in the ring. It's good for business.' "
A 'rock god' lifestyle
Despite, or because of, its testosterone-fueled danger, wrestling attracts mostly young men to a circuslike life built on outsized personalities, "ripped" bodies and death-defying stunts. Newcomers dive headfirst into the rough-and-tumble profession. Current and former wrestlers interviewed say they live on the edge and see few career options. Only a handful of stars have more than a high school education. During a typical 15-minute match, combatants exchange choreographed body slams and punches. Some leap from top ropes onto cement surfaces outside the ring.In more physical "hard-core" matches, wrestlers are smashed through tables, whacked in the head with steel chairs and punctured with barbed wire and tacks. Those antics are not fake. "Wrestling is sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll because we have a rock god kind of thing going," Levy says.
Top performers make more than $1 million annually. Millions of youngsters pine to become the next Mick Foley. He parlayed death-defying stunts — he plunged more than 20 feet from steel cages and was frequently bloodied — into a multimillion-dollar wrestling career. He has since written books on wrestling that made the USA TODAY best-seller list.But for every star, scores of others toil in obscurity at run-down gyms. "Strongman" Johnny Perry, 30, who died of cocaine intoxication in North Carolina in 2002, moonlighted as a repo man. Curtis Parker, 28, accidentally killed in practice in St. Louis in 2002, also worked at a Jack in the Box.Some, like Hegstrand, fade from being headliners at sold-out football stadiums — as he was in the early and mid-1990s — to performing at high school gyms and armories. For nearly two decades, Hegstrand — a hulking figure with wrecking-ball biceps who died in October — freely admitted he indulged in hard living. Though he didn't specify what he took, he made it clear that pro wrestling was fraught with steroids, pain pills and recreational drugs. Then came the sobering news: Years of excess had created a tear in his heart.
"I'd put just about everything (drugs) in me that was humanly possible during my wrestling career," Hegstrand told wrestling radio talk-show host Lano in April 2003.
Hegstrand spent his last few years barnstorming in wrestler-turned-evangelist Ted DiBiase's "Heart of David Ministry" promotion. When he died, traces of marijuana were found in his body, according to his autopsy report.
Others, like Lozanski, wrestle despite serious injuries. More than 18 months after he took a nasty fall that damaged his lungs during a match, Lozanski traversed North America, wrestling for small promotions. He died unexpectedly in his sleep in December.
"That's the nature of the business," says Chris Lozanski, 31, Mike's brother and a former wrestler. "Mike felt he had to keep working. I left the business because I want to see my 11-month-old son grow up," he says.
Since he could walk, Lockwood wanted to be a wrestler. What the 5-foot-8 Lockwood lacked in height, he made up for in determination and tireless training, his mother, Barbara, says. "Everyone laughed when this kid said he would make it, but he did."
Lockwood won more than 20 titles in the WWE and a cult following from 1998 to 2003.
With fame came sacrifices. Lockwood was in constant pain and began using prescription painkillers 18 months ago. He also gained noticeable bulk and was irritable — two signs of steroid use. But when Barbara asked, her son denied using them.
Lockwood was released from his WWE contract after five years on July 1 because it did not have "further plans for his character," the WWE said in a statement.
He was about to move back to California, where he planned to reunite with his high school sweetheart and their 7-year-old daughter. He planned to perform in Japan and train young wrestlers. "He was on his way home, but he didn't make it," Barbara says. Lockwood died in November in Florida. He was 32. A medical examiner ruled it a suicide from an overdose of painkillers. But Barbara thinks it was an accident. "Mike had too much to live for," she says.
Wrestling on trial
When anabolic steroids were cast as a controlled substance in 1991, federal law made purchases and possession of them illegal except for medical purposes. Two grand jury investigations shortly thereafter resulted in admissions of steroid abuse by a handful of big wrestling names and the 1991 conviction of a urologist, George Zahorian of Harrisburg, Pa.He was convicted of 12 counts of selling steroids and painkillers to a body builder and several WWF performers, including Piper (whose real name is Roderick Toombs) and Hogan (Terry Bollea)."The doctor had shopping bags with our names on them that were filled with steroids and prescription drugs," Piper says.Shortly thereafter McMahon was indicted. But he was acquitted of charges of conspiring to distribute steroids to wrestlers.The probes led to stringent drug testing in the WWF, but only for a few years. A few stars were suspended for flunking tests. By late 1996 the program was scrapped because of the expense — and other wrestling organizations didn't test or were lax in enforcement, the WWF said at the time.Jerry McDevitt, the outside legal counsel for McMahon's wrestling organization, contends testing "just doesn't work" because wrestlers can fake urine tests or use designer steroids that are undetectable. "Anybody who wants to beat it can beat it. The only ones who are caught are stupid," he says.
Last year, the WWE — the WWF changed its name to World Wrestling Entertainment after a copyright dispute with the World Wildlife Fund in 2002 — let go star performer Jeff Hardy for refusing to undergo drug rehab treatment. Within weeks, several wrestling organizations lined up to hire him.
Major promoters say the industry has moved on from its "Wild, Wild West" days of the late 1980s.
Young wrestlers take better care of themselves. "The new guys play PlayStation in their hotel rooms," wrestler Sean Waltman, 31, says.
WWE, the largest wrestling organization in North America with 125 wrestlers, says it tests for recreational drugs if there is probable cause. If a wrestler refuses rehab, he is booted. It has cut weekly performances to three or four, down from about five in the mid-1990s. And it has improved training techniques to minimize injuries.
"Steroids and painkillers (aren't) a professional choice but a lifestyle," says WWE wrestler John Cena, 26, who at 6-1 and 240 pounds is the size he was when he played college football. "I've learned to play in pain. If it's a serious enough injury, I take time off."
McMahon says he requires only that his wrestlers are in shape, not that they're "the size of monsters," as many were in the 1960s, '70s and '80s. "We're not looking for bodybuilders," he says.
The No. 2 wrestling employer, NWA-TNA, is considering mandatory drug testing. In November it began offering medical coverage for injuries inside and outside the ring to its 35 contracted wrestlers — the first time a pro wrestling organization has done so. It is considering medical and dental coverage.
But such reforms help only those wrestling for the top two organizations, leaving hundreds of wrestlers largely working under the same conditions as years ago.
Not much has changed on the regulatory front, either. Attempts by wrestlers to unionize have flopped. They have no player associations, as do football, basketball and baseball players.
In most states, oversight of pro wrestling is left to local athletic commissions. They usually have lenient prematch requirements. In New York, for example, performers are subject to little more than a blood-pressure test.
"No one is standing up. Either they don't know what's going on or they're terrified of being blacklisted," says wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer, echoing the sentiment of others.
For now the only one standing up seems to be Piper. He says he forfeited hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential earnings because his outspokenness about rampant steroid and drug use got him fired from the WWE in June.
The WWE denies Piper's allegations. It says the two were unable to negotiate a contract.
Piper doesn't allow any of his four children to watch wrestling — or harbor dreams of being a wrestler. He is sober, living on a 12 1/2-acre spread near Portland, Ore. He is hardly down on his luck. He's been in 26 movies, such as They Live, and TV's The Love Boat and The Mullets since 1978. He has agreed to appear in the movie Fish in a Barrel with Burt Reynolds.Yet he clings to hopes of another big payday in wrestling. He suggests he and McMahon take their feud over Piper's dismissal to the airwaves."It would be great reality TV: two strong personalities going at it over a topical issue," he says, wistfully. "Maybe we could save lives in the process."
Mike "Road Warrior Hawk" Hegstrand died from an enlarged heart caused by high blood pressure at 46. Mike "Crash Holly" Lockwood died from what a medical examiner ruled a suicide at 32. A lethal combination of painkillers was found in his system.
Mike Lozanski died from what his family says was a lung infection at 35. His relatives are awaiting an autopsy report.
All died in the last five months. All were professional wrestlers with bulging muscles on sculpted bodies. The deaths received little notice beyond obituaries in small newspapers and on wrestling Web sites, typical of the fringe status of the $500 million industry.
Yet their deaths underscore the troubling fact that despite some attempts to clean up an industry sold on size, stamina and theatrics, wrestlers die young at a staggering rate. Since 1997, about 1,000 wrestlers 45 and younger have worked on pro wrestling circuits worldwide, wrestling officials estimate.
examination of medical documents, autopsies and police reports, along with interviews with family members and news accounts, shows that at least 65 wrestlers died in that time, 25 from heart attacks or other coronary problems — an extraordinarily high rate for people that young, medical officials say. Many had enlarged hearts.
Illegal steroid use in professional sports has gained plenty of attention: President Bush in his State of the Union address in January urged athletes and professional sports leagues to stop steroid use, and a federal grand jury has been investigating Bay Area Laboratory Co-Operative.
However, it is pro wrestling where the problem appears to be the most pervasive and deadly. In five of the 25 deaths, medical examiners concluded that steroids might have played a role. Excessive steroid use can lead to an enlarged heart. In 12 others, examiners in medical reports cited evidence of use of painkillers, cocaine and other drugs.
The widespread use of drugs and the deaths associated with it raise questions about a largely unregulated business that is watched on TV and in arenas by an estimated 20 million fans a week, including children. Those fans will tune in Sunday for the industry's biggest event, WrestleMania XX.
Fifteen current and former wrestlers interviewed by USA TODAY say they willingly bulked up on anabolic steroids, which they call "juice," to look the part and took pain pills so they could perform four to five nights a week despite injuries. Some admit to use of human-growth hormones, a muscle-building compound even more powerful and dangerous than steroids. And many say they used recreational drugs.
"I experienced what we in the profession call the silent scream" of pain, drugs and loneliness, says wrestling legend "Rowdy" Roddy Piper, 49, who has been in the business more than 30 years. "You're in your hotel room. You're banged up, numb and alone. You don't want to go downstairs to the bar or restaurant. The walls are breathing. You don't want to talk. Panic sets in and you start weeping. It's something all of us go through."
Scott "Raven" Levy, 39, says he used steroids and more than 200 pain pills daily before he kicked the habit a few years ago. "It's part of the job," Levy says. "If you want to be a wrestler, you have to be a big guy, and you have to perform in pain. If you choose to do neither, pick another profession."
The costs are high. Wrestlers have death rates about seven times higher than the general U.S. population, says Keith Pinckard, a medical examiner in Dallas who has followed wrestling fatalities. They are 12 times more likely to die from heart disease than other Americans 25 to 44, he adds. And USA TODAY research shows that wrestlers are about 20 times more likely to die before 45 than are pro football players, another profession that's exceptionally hard on the body.Some wrestlers bet among themselves on who will die next, says Mike Lano, a former wrestling manager and promoter.
Steroids-ingrained culture
Unlike amateur wrestling, which is a competitive sport in high school and college, pro wrestling combines sports, stunts and storytelling. The results are scripted.Pro wrestling does not test for performance-enhancing drugs such as steroids. Nor are they banned by wrestling organizations as they are in pro football, basketball and baseball.That is one reason, wrestlers and industry watchers say, that use of steroids and other drugs in pro wrestling has gone largely unchecked. It also has been ingrained in the culture for decades. Several of wrestling's biggest names, including Hulk Hogan and former Minnesota governor Jesse "The Body" Ventura, years ago acknowledged using bodybuilding drugs.
"There was a joke: If you did not test positive for steroids, you were fired," former wrestler and broadcaster Bruno Sammartino told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch in 1991.
"That's a cop-out," says Vince McMahon, head of wrestling's biggest organization, World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE). "These guys took steroids because they wanted to.
Del Wilkes, during his stint with the WWF wrestling as "The Patriot."
Piper says he lived on a steady diet of muscle builders and painkillers for more than two decades.
The amateur boxer and wrestler left home in Canada at 13. A promoter noticed his "mean streak" and paid him $25 to fight the legendary Larry "The Axe" Hennig in Winnipeg. Piper made a lasting impression with his entrance: Clad in a kilt, he ambled to the ring as his bagpipe band played. Hennig pinned the 15-year-old in 10 seconds, the shortest of Piper's 7,000 matches, but Piper quickly was assigned to shows in Kansas City, Montreal and Texas.Soon Piper had become one of the industry's best-known villains. By the mid-1980s, he was the foil to Hogan, the WWF's golden boy. Wrestling had become a pop-culture phenomenon. Both moonlighted as movie and TV stars, had their own action figures and hobnobbed with celebrities.Even so, Piper never forgot what he heard as a penniless teenager. "A promoter said to me, 'If you die, kid, die in the ring. It's good for business.' "
A 'rock god' lifestyle
Despite, or because of, its testosterone-fueled danger, wrestling attracts mostly young men to a circuslike life built on outsized personalities, "ripped" bodies and death-defying stunts. Newcomers dive headfirst into the rough-and-tumble profession. Current and former wrestlers interviewed say they live on the edge and see few career options. Only a handful of stars have more than a high school education. During a typical 15-minute match, combatants exchange choreographed body slams and punches. Some leap from top ropes onto cement surfaces outside the ring.In more physical "hard-core" matches, wrestlers are smashed through tables, whacked in the head with steel chairs and punctured with barbed wire and tacks. Those antics are not fake. "Wrestling is sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll because we have a rock god kind of thing going," Levy says.
Top performers make more than $1 million annually. Millions of youngsters pine to become the next Mick Foley. He parlayed death-defying stunts — he plunged more than 20 feet from steel cages and was frequently bloodied — into a multimillion-dollar wrestling career. He has since written books on wrestling that made the USA TODAY best-seller list.But for every star, scores of others toil in obscurity at run-down gyms. "Strongman" Johnny Perry, 30, who died of cocaine intoxication in North Carolina in 2002, moonlighted as a repo man. Curtis Parker, 28, accidentally killed in practice in St. Louis in 2002, also worked at a Jack in the Box.Some, like Hegstrand, fade from being headliners at sold-out football stadiums — as he was in the early and mid-1990s — to performing at high school gyms and armories. For nearly two decades, Hegstrand — a hulking figure with wrecking-ball biceps who died in October — freely admitted he indulged in hard living. Though he didn't specify what he took, he made it clear that pro wrestling was fraught with steroids, pain pills and recreational drugs. Then came the sobering news: Years of excess had created a tear in his heart.
"I'd put just about everything (drugs) in me that was humanly possible during my wrestling career," Hegstrand told wrestling radio talk-show host Lano in April 2003.
Hegstrand spent his last few years barnstorming in wrestler-turned-evangelist Ted DiBiase's "Heart of David Ministry" promotion. When he died, traces of marijuana were found in his body, according to his autopsy report.
Others, like Lozanski, wrestle despite serious injuries. More than 18 months after he took a nasty fall that damaged his lungs during a match, Lozanski traversed North America, wrestling for small promotions. He died unexpectedly in his sleep in December.
"That's the nature of the business," says Chris Lozanski, 31, Mike's brother and a former wrestler. "Mike felt he had to keep working. I left the business because I want to see my 11-month-old son grow up," he says.
Since he could walk, Lockwood wanted to be a wrestler. What the 5-foot-8 Lockwood lacked in height, he made up for in determination and tireless training, his mother, Barbara, says. "Everyone laughed when this kid said he would make it, but he did."
Lockwood won more than 20 titles in the WWE and a cult following from 1998 to 2003.
With fame came sacrifices. Lockwood was in constant pain and began using prescription painkillers 18 months ago. He also gained noticeable bulk and was irritable — two signs of steroid use. But when Barbara asked, her son denied using them.
Lockwood was released from his WWE contract after five years on July 1 because it did not have "further plans for his character," the WWE said in a statement.
He was about to move back to California, where he planned to reunite with his high school sweetheart and their 7-year-old daughter. He planned to perform in Japan and train young wrestlers. "He was on his way home, but he didn't make it," Barbara says. Lockwood died in November in Florida. He was 32. A medical examiner ruled it a suicide from an overdose of painkillers. But Barbara thinks it was an accident. "Mike had too much to live for," she says.
Wrestling on trial
When anabolic steroids were cast as a controlled substance in 1991, federal law made purchases and possession of them illegal except for medical purposes. Two grand jury investigations shortly thereafter resulted in admissions of steroid abuse by a handful of big wrestling names and the 1991 conviction of a urologist, George Zahorian of Harrisburg, Pa.He was convicted of 12 counts of selling steroids and painkillers to a body builder and several WWF performers, including Piper (whose real name is Roderick Toombs) and Hogan (Terry Bollea)."The doctor had shopping bags with our names on them that were filled with steroids and prescription drugs," Piper says.Shortly thereafter McMahon was indicted. But he was acquitted of charges of conspiring to distribute steroids to wrestlers.The probes led to stringent drug testing in the WWF, but only for a few years. A few stars were suspended for flunking tests. By late 1996 the program was scrapped because of the expense — and other wrestling organizations didn't test or were lax in enforcement, the WWF said at the time.Jerry McDevitt, the outside legal counsel for McMahon's wrestling organization, contends testing "just doesn't work" because wrestlers can fake urine tests or use designer steroids that are undetectable. "Anybody who wants to beat it can beat it. The only ones who are caught are stupid," he says.
Last year, the WWE — the WWF changed its name to World Wrestling Entertainment after a copyright dispute with the World Wildlife Fund in 2002 — let go star performer Jeff Hardy for refusing to undergo drug rehab treatment. Within weeks, several wrestling organizations lined up to hire him.
Major promoters say the industry has moved on from its "Wild, Wild West" days of the late 1980s.
Young wrestlers take better care of themselves. "The new guys play PlayStation in their hotel rooms," wrestler Sean Waltman, 31, says.
WWE, the largest wrestling organization in North America with 125 wrestlers, says it tests for recreational drugs if there is probable cause. If a wrestler refuses rehab, he is booted. It has cut weekly performances to three or four, down from about five in the mid-1990s. And it has improved training techniques to minimize injuries.
"Steroids and painkillers (aren't) a professional choice but a lifestyle," says WWE wrestler John Cena, 26, who at 6-1 and 240 pounds is the size he was when he played college football. "I've learned to play in pain. If it's a serious enough injury, I take time off."
McMahon says he requires only that his wrestlers are in shape, not that they're "the size of monsters," as many were in the 1960s, '70s and '80s. "We're not looking for bodybuilders," he says.
The No. 2 wrestling employer, NWA-TNA, is considering mandatory drug testing. In November it began offering medical coverage for injuries inside and outside the ring to its 35 contracted wrestlers — the first time a pro wrestling organization has done so. It is considering medical and dental coverage.
But such reforms help only those wrestling for the top two organizations, leaving hundreds of wrestlers largely working under the same conditions as years ago.
Not much has changed on the regulatory front, either. Attempts by wrestlers to unionize have flopped. They have no player associations, as do football, basketball and baseball players.
In most states, oversight of pro wrestling is left to local athletic commissions. They usually have lenient prematch requirements. In New York, for example, performers are subject to little more than a blood-pressure test.
"No one is standing up. Either they don't know what's going on or they're terrified of being blacklisted," says wrestling journalist Dave Meltzer, echoing the sentiment of others.
For now the only one standing up seems to be Piper. He says he forfeited hundreds of thousands of dollars in potential earnings because his outspokenness about rampant steroid and drug use got him fired from the WWE in June.
The WWE denies Piper's allegations. It says the two were unable to negotiate a contract.
Piper doesn't allow any of his four children to watch wrestling — or harbor dreams of being a wrestler. He is sober, living on a 12 1/2-acre spread near Portland, Ore. He is hardly down on his luck. He's been in 26 movies, such as They Live, and TV's The Love Boat and The Mullets since 1978. He has agreed to appear in the movie Fish in a Barrel with Burt Reynolds.Yet he clings to hopes of another big payday in wrestling. He suggests he and McMahon take their feud over Piper's dismissal to the airwaves."It would be great reality TV: two strong personalities going at it over a topical issue," he says, wistfully. "Maybe we could save lives in the process."
No, I’m not kidding.
Alright, so there’s a new steroid on the market. I think that the name is supposed to vaguely rhyme with “libido” but I’m not totally sure. It would make sense, since it’s an absurdly long acting version of Testosterone, which at the recommended dose only requires one shot every twelve weeks. At this dose it will keep testosterone levels for a hypogonadal male in the normal range. It will give that hypogonadal (and hypothetical) male that I’m talking about a “new libido” …hence the name “Nebido” for this new drug.
I think.
I think.
A few weeks ago I had publicly predicted that due to steroid the Hormone Replacement Market would continue to grow, and I suspected that prescribing guidelines would probably be relaxed a bit. I still think this is true, and I’m very happy to see new alternatives for Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) being developed and marketed.
However, this isn’t exactly a new steroid (testosterone), but in this form it’s going to be very new to the American HRT market. This drug has been available for a couple of years over in Europe already, released by Bayer Shering Pharma. Studies conducted by that company indicate that blood levels of testosterone provided by this drug will be within the normal range within 3 days of the first steroid injection, will peak within the first week, and will maintain normal levels for 10-12 weeks. In the United States, the pharmaceutical company Indevus (traded as IDEV on the New York Stock Exchange), has licensed the drug for release into the American market. Currently, their other major product in that market is Delatestryl (Testosterone Enanthate).
Nebido is poised to take over a good deal of the American HRT market though, because it only needs to be used once every 3 months (4-5 injections per year). The market here is convenience and comfort for both the doctor and the patient. Doctors typically don’t want their patients to come into their office and walk out with a 10ml vial of testosterone and some needles, and go home to do the injections by themselves. On the other hand, patients don’t want to go to their doctor’s office every week or every other week to receive an injection.
Enter Nebido.
However, this isn’t exactly a new steroid (testosterone), but in this form it’s going to be very new to the American HRT market. This drug has been available for a couple of years over in Europe already, released by Bayer Shering Pharma. Studies conducted by that company indicate that blood levels of testosterone provided by this drug will be within the normal range within 3 days of the first steroid injection, will peak within the first week, and will maintain normal levels for 10-12 weeks. In the United States, the pharmaceutical company Indevus (traded as IDEV on the New York Stock Exchange), has licensed the drug for release into the American market. Currently, their other major product in that market is Delatestryl (Testosterone Enanthate).
Nebido is poised to take over a good deal of the American HRT market though, because it only needs to be used once every 3 months (4-5 injections per year). The market here is convenience and comfort for both the doctor and the patient. Doctors typically don’t want their patients to come into their office and walk out with a 10ml vial of testosterone and some needles, and go home to do the injections by themselves. On the other hand, patients don’t want to go to their doctor’s office every week or every other week to receive an injection.
Enter Nebido.
- Basically, this drug is a 4 milliliter injection comprised of 1,000mg of testosterone undecanoate, packaged in an ampule (a sterile, single use glass container, which can not be closed once it’s been opened). Testosterone Undecanoate (TU) has been offered before, though, in various forms. Many people will be familiar with it’s most common form, which is an oral form called “Andriol” that contains 40mgs of TU in each capsule.
- The injectable form of TU was previously on the market in both a multi-testosterone blend as well as alone by a veterinary company called Ft. Dodge. The Ft. Dodge version was available in a 50mg/ml size only, and I have to admit to having tried it out just prior to a Spring Break in Mexico many years ago.
- As “new” as this drug is, it’s not a very creative effort by the company who brought it to the market. Essentially, they took a very long acting and slow releasing version of testosterone, put a huge dose of it in a container that can’t be resealed (so you have to shoot it all at once), and marketed it as a 12 week supply of HRT. This isn’t groundbreaking stuff, but they’re marketing it very aggressively, doing studies on it, and applying for new drug patents in numerous countries.
- If money spent on advertising is any indication of how a product will do in the marketplace, this one will be a huge success. It’s also very expensive, depending on how you look at its price breakdown.
- For 12 weeks of normal testosterone levels, this drug isn’t a bad buy. It’s costing about $300 from legitimate pharmacies, and about half of that on the black market. Again, seen as a twelve week supply of testosterone, $300 is not a bad price.
- When you consider the fact that what you’re actually getting (physically, in that box of Nebido steroid) is 4mls of testosterone dosed at 250mgs/ml, $300 is an absurd price to be paying. The cost to physically manufacture this product, including everything from the box to the active ingredients is under a dollar.
No, I’m not kidding.
Yes, this product will cost less than a dollar for its physical production – and the price will be roughly $300 by the time it reaches the pharmacy. Now, given the fact that this steroid company had their stock drop by over a full dollar during a key quarter last year (fiscal 2006), it’s not surprising that they would need to come out with a product which provided them with a huge profit margin in the American HRT market. Remember, the American HRT market is one of the most rapidly expanding markets in the pharmaceutical field.
My advice?
My advice?
Buy stock in Indevus but don’t actually buy the new Nebido steroid product. It’s a total rip off, and there’s better buys for the HRT patient.
I realize that technically, the title of this article doesn’t make sense on many levels. Firstly, although “CNN” is three letters long, it actually only contains 2 letters (C and N). And I also realize that it’s implausible that John Cena has either favorite or least favorite letters…and further that his two least favorite letters would be those comprising nearly half of his name.
- For those of you who don’t know, John Cena is a professional wrestler under contract with the WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment) company, and is one of their biggest stars, having appeared in both the ring as well as starring in his own action movie…prior to that, he was involved in playing football as well as bodybuilding.
- If you guessed that his physique is very impressive, then you would have guessed correctly. Give yourself a gold star.
- If you have further guessed that being a very popular actor and wrestler would make him a good candidate for being interviewed, then give yourself another gold star. And of course, being interviewed and possessing this physique makes him a good person to ask some steroid-related questions.
- CNN obviously agrees with my observations, and recently aired an interview with Cena, where they had him in the perfect (and awkward) position to ask him about steroid use.
- Likewise, because of my position with Steroid.com, I’m frequently contacted by the mass media for commentary and interviews on various events concerning anabolic steroids in the mass media. In the case of a newsworthy tragedy like the Chris Beniot murder/suicide, I’m often left trying to explain that correlation is not causation. In other words, I’m typically trying to tell the media that yes, it was tragic that Chris Benoit killed himself and his family, but that no, you can not say that steroids were the causative factor. But like I said, I don’t mind doing this-someone has to do it, and I honestly don’t mind explaining things to people who are attempting to write a genuine news story where one exists.
- But in the case of the CNN/John Cena interview, I’m left questioning whether CNN is reporting the news or trying to create it.
- Before I go any further, I have to admit that I’m not what you would call a fan of professional wrestling at all. I’m not saying that I dislike it per se, only that I don’t pay much attention to it. This wasn’t always the case, but the last time I watched it, I believe one of the performers (who shared my last name) often brought a snake into the ring, another performer seemed to be an Elvis impersonator, one performer was apparently also a “barber” (though he seemed to use some type of gardening shears instead of sizzors), and as I recall, yet another performer often spent a lot of time playing the bag pipes in the ring (when he wasn’t busy being otherwise rowdy).
- But with professional wrestling, I always knew what I was getting. There were “good guys” and “bad guys” (the latter called “heels” in wrestling jargon).
- CNN should (at least) be held to the same standard that we hold professional wrestling to – and that means, I want to know what I’m getting when I watch CNN. I thought I was getting the news…now I’m not so sure. Granted, the editors of CNN probably aren’t staging limousine explosions, but I still feel like I’ve been deceived.
- That’s a bit dramatic, I guess…because I didn’t even watch the original airing of the John Cena interview on CNN…it didn’t even get on my radar until the unedited version already began appearing on the internet and the WWE had already released an official statement.
- I’ve listened to both versions of the CNN interview (edited and unedited). Here is what CNN ran as Cena’s response to the “Have you ever used steroids?” question they asked him:
- “This is a crazy question and it’s something that’s tough to answer just because of the way society is now. The way people conceive things, because performance-enhancing drugs have got the spotlight and it’s a hot thing to talk about. I can’t tell you that I haven’t, but you’ll never be able to prove that I have.”
- And this is the full version of what he actually said:
- “Absolutely not.” [Then the CNN reporter then interrupted him and said: “Even back in bodybuilding days? Football days?” at which point, Cena continued:] “This is a crazy question and it’s something that’s tough to answer just because of the way society is now. The way people conceive things, because performance-enhancing drugs,steroids have got the spotlight and it’s a hot thing to talk about. I can’t tell you that I haven’t, but you’ll never be able to prove that I have.”
- Clearly, CNN took a very definite denial of ever using steroids from John Cena and edited it to make it seem like an ambiguous admission of using them.
- World Wrestling Entertainment then issued a public statement and included both versions of Cena’s comments. At this point, to everyone who cared to read both versions, it became obvious that Cena had been willfully misrepresented by CNN. The WWE (and later CNN) also released a video feed of both versions of the interview (I saw it on YouTube personally).
- The WWE has established a very good brand and business model for themselves by creating good-guys and heels, and casting them against each other. It’s a business model that I’m sure ought to be copied by other entertainment companies…I just find myself at a loss for words when I’ve found out that CNN has opted to copy it – and cast itself as the heel.
Cheerleader on Steroids
Cheerleader on Steroids
I knew it was only a matter of time before it happened. Actually, I knew it was happening, but really I’m talking about it becoming a news story. It’s pretty simple math really. Steroids make people gain muscle and lose fat. Everyone knew that high-school athletes and even boys just trying to look a little better for the beach (or umm….gym class, or the Prom, or whatever). And I knew that girls in high school want to look good for those things too. So I assumed that girls in high-school were using anabolic steroids. Really, I didn’t assume – I knew it. I actually have spoken to girls when I was in college who had told me that they had first started using steroids in high-school. Usually they try diet pills, then maybe some clenbuterol steroid and/or thyroid medication.
I knew it was only a matter of time before it happened. Actually, I knew it was happening, but really I’m talking about it becoming a news story. It’s pretty simple math really. Steroids make people gain muscle and lose fat. Everyone knew that high-school athletes and even boys just trying to look a little better for the beach (or umm….gym class, or the Prom, or whatever). And I knew that girls in high school want to look good for those things too. So I assumed that girls in high-school were using anabolic steroids. Really, I didn’t assume – I knew it. I actually have spoken to girls when I was in college who had told me that they had first started using steroids in high-school. Usually they try diet pills, then maybe some clenbuterol steroid and/or thyroid medication.
Brazillians are popular among high school girls. And no, I’m not talking about personal grooming here – I’m talking about a diet pill combination that’s popular in Brazil and has made its way over here to the USA. In New Jersey, where I lived, I was reasonably close Newark where there were a lot of Brazilian and Portuguese immigrants, so the pills (a 3 bottle combo) were pretty rampant. But in other areas of the country, traditional diet pills, and yes, steroids, are far easier to get. For this girl, it was $250 and 48 hours that she spent getting anabolic steroids.
So this morning, a colleague of mine e-mailed me a television story about a girl here in Texas who did a 5 week cycle of Winstrol and gained about 8lbs of muscle. For this girl, it was $250 and 48 hours that she spent getting anabolic steroids. As for availability, she was a cheerleader, and my inside sources tell me that occasionally cheerleaders hang out with football players, and that football players have occasionally been known to use steroids… I don’t know her exact dosage (unfortunately) but it sounds like she was doing 50mgs every other day of the injectable version, based on what she said in the interview. I’m figuring 5 weeks, at a shot every other day, would require something in the price range she was paying (which is exorbitant, but for an end user buying very little, $15/amp of Winstrol is ballpark).
- That’s a huge dose for a girl, especially one who is as small as she is. And naturally, she didn’t do much (if any) research on the stuff she was taking, and bought it from some guy who she also took instructions on how to use it from.
- We (musclepumpworld.blogspot.com) clearly do not endorse the use of steroids in minors (ever), so this next statement is going to seem a bit odd, but here it is…
- She should have done more research before using steroids.
- I’m not saying she should have used anything at all, but at the very least, she needed to be educated about her decision. We can’t stop everyone in every high-school from doing things we don’t approve of, but she should have at least educated herself on what she was about to INJECT into her body, right?
- We’ve long given up the idea that teenagers won’t have sex (I think we gave up on it about 2,008 years ago), and recently have instituted strong sex education curriculum in most high schools. We need a strong steroid education curriculum as well, not just a ridiculous chapter in a health book that kids get for one marking period.
- I’ll phone some high-schools over the next few weeks and give you some insight as to how my idea was received…For more details visit www.steroid.com, www.musclepump.blogspot.com
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